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102.5. Server Configuration


The configurations for servers are maintained in the serverDataStore property of the SAP component. Each entry in this map configures a distinct inbound connection from an SAP instance. The key for each entry is the name of the outbound connection and is used in the serverName component of a server endpoint URI as described in the URI format section.
The value for each entry is a server data configuration object,, that defines the configuration of an inbound SAP connection. The following tables lists the configuration properties that may be set on this object.

Required options

The required options for the server data configuration object are, as follows:
Name Default Value Description
gwhost Gateway host on which the server connection should be registered.
gwserv Gateway service, which is the port on which a registration can be done. In order to resolve the service names sapgwXXX, a look-up in etc/services is performed by the network layer of the operating system. If using port numbers instead of symbolic service names, no look-ups are performed and no additional entries are needed.
progid The program ID with which the registration is done. Serves as identifier on the gateway and in the destination in the ABAP system.
connectionCount The number of connections that should be registered at the gateway.

Secure network connection options

The secure network connection options for the server data configuration object are, as follows:
Name Default Value Description
sncMode Secure network connection (SNC) mode, 0 (off) or 1 (on)
sncQop SNC level of security, 1 to 9
sncMyname SNC name of your server. Overrides the default SNC name. Typically something like p:CN=JCoServer, O=ACompany, C=EN.
sncLib Path to library which provides SNC service. If this property is not provided, the value of the jco.middleware.snc_lib property is used instead

Other options

The other options for the server data configuration object are, as follows:
Name Default Value Description
saprouter SAP router string to use for a system protected by a firewall, which can therefore only be reached through a SAProuter, when registering the server at the gateway of that ABAP System. A typical router string is /H/firewall.hostname/H/
maxStartupDelay The maximum time (in seconds) between two start-up attempts in case of failures. The waiting time is doubled from initially 1 second after each start-up failure until either the maximum value is reached or the server could be started successfully.
trace Enable/disable RFC trace (0 or 1)
workerThreadCount The maximum number of threads used by the server connection. If not set, the value for the connectionCount is used as the workerThreadCount. The maximum number of threads can not exceed 99.
workerThreadMinCount The minimum number of threads used by server connection. If not set, the value for connectionCount is used as the workerThreadMinCount.

Server data example

<bean id="nplServerData"
    <property name="gwhost" value="nplhost" />
    <property name="gwserv" value="3342" />
    <property name="progid" value="JCO_SERVER" />
    <property name="repositoryDestination" value="nplDest" />
    <property name="connectionCount" value="2" />