Chapter 3. Adding a Remote Console User


The server's remote command console is not configured with a default user. Before you can connect to the server's console remotely, you must add a user to the configuration.
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ is not installed with a default user for the remote console. Before you can remotely manage a server, you must add a user by editing InstallDir/etc/
The information in this file is unencrypted so it is not suitable for environments that require strict security.
To add a user:
  1. Open InstallDir/etc/ in your favorite text editor.
  2. Locate the line # admin=admin,admin.
    This line specifies a user admin with the password admin and the role admin.
  3. Uncomment the line by removing the leading #.
  4. Change the first admin to the desired user name.
  5. Change the second admin to the desired password.
  6. Leave the last admin as-is.
  7. Save the changes.