2.2. History Database

2.2.1. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization History Database

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Reports uses data from the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization History Database (called ovirt_engine_history) which tracks the engine database over time.


Sufficient data must exist in the history database to produce meaningful reports. Most reports use values aggregated on a daily basis. Meaningful reports can only be produced if data for at least several days is available. In particular, because trend reports are designed to highlight long term trends in the system, a sufficient history is required to highlight meaningful trends.

2.2.2. Tracking Configuration History

The ETL service, ovirt-engine-dwhd, tracks three types of changes:
  • A new entity is added to the engine database - the ETL Service replicates the change to the ovirt_engine_history database as a new entry.
  • An existing entity is updated - the ETL Service replicates the change to the ovirt_engine_history database as a new entry.
  • An entity is removed from the engine database - A new entry in the ovirt_engine_history database flags the corresponding entity as removed. Removed entities are only flagged as removed. To maintain correctness of historical reports and representations, they are not physically removed.
The configuration tables in the ovirt_engine_history database differ from the corresponding tables in the engine database in several ways. The most apparent difference is they contain fewer configuration columns. This is because certain configuration items are less interesting to report than others and are not kept due to database size considerations. Also, columns from a few tables in the engine database appear in a single table in ovirt_engine_history and have different column names to make viewing data more convenient and comprehensible. All configuration tables contain:
  • a history_id to indicate the configuration version of the entity;
  • a create_date field to indicate when the entity was added to the system;
  • an update_date field to indicate when the entity was changed; and
  • a delete_date field to indicate the date the entity was removed from the system.

2.2.3. Recording Statistical History

The ETL service collects data into the statistical tables every minute. Data is stored for every minute of the past 24 hours, at a minimum, but can be stored for as long as 48 hours depending on the last time a deletion job was run. Minute-by-minute data more than two hours old is aggregated into hourly data and stored for two months. Hourly data more than two days old is aggregated into daily data and stored for five years.
Hourly data and daily data can be found in the hourly and daily tables.
Each statistical datum is kept in its respective aggregation level table: samples, hourly, and daily history. All history tables also contain a history_id column to uniquely identify rows. Tables reference the configuration version of a host in order to enable reports on statistics of an entity in relation to its past configuration.

2.2.4. Application Settings for the Data Warehouse service in ovirt-engine-dwhd.conf

The following is a list of options for configuring application settings for the Data Warehouse service. These options are available in the /usr/share/ovirt-engine-dwh/services/ovirt-engine-dwhd/ovirt-engine-dwhd.conf file. Configure any changes to the default values in an override file under /etc/ovirt-engine-dwh/ovirt-engine-dwhd.conf.d/. Restart the Data Warehouse service after saving the changes.

Table 2.1. ovirt-engine-dwhd.conf application settings variables

Variable name Default Value Remarks
DWH_DELETE_JOB_HOUR 3 The time at which a deletion job is run. Specify a value between 0 and 23, where 0 is midnight.
DWH_SAMPLING 60 The interval, in seconds, at which data is collected into statistical tables.
DWH_TABLES_KEEP_SAMPLES 24 The number of hours that data from DWH_SAMPLING is stored. Data more than two hours old is aggregated into hourly data.
DWH_TABLES_KEEP_HOURLY 1440 The number of hours that hourly data is stored. The default is 60 days. Hourly data more than two days old is aggregated into daily data.
DWH_TABLES_KEEP_DAILY 43800 The number of hours that daily data is stored. The default is five years.
DWH_ERROR_EVENT_INTERVAL 300000 The minimum interval, in milliseconds, at which errors are pushed to the Manager's audit.log.

2.2.5. Tracking Tag History

The ETL Service collects tag information as displayed in the Administration Portal every minute and stores this data in the tags historical tables. The ETL Service tracks five types of changes:
  • A tag is created in the Administration Portal - the ETL Service copies the tag details, position in the tag tree and relation to other objects in the tag tree.
  • A entity is attached to the tag tree in the Administration Portal - the ETL Service replicates the addition to the ovirt_engine_history database as a new entry.
  • A tag is updated - the ETL Service replicates the change of tag details to the ovirt_engine_history database as a new entry.
  • An entity or tag branch is removed from the Administration Portal - the ovirt_engine_history database flags the corresponding tag and relations as removed in new entries. Removed tags and relations are only flagged as removed or detached. In order to maintain correctness of historical reports and representations, they are not physically removed.
  • A tag branch is moved - the corresponding tag and relations are updated as new entries. Moved tags and relations are only flagged as updated. In order to maintain correctness of historical reports and representations, they are not physically updated.

2.2.6. Allowing Read-Only Access to the History Database


To allow access to the history database without allowing edits, you must create a read-only PostgreSQL user that can log in to and read from the ovirt_engine_history database. This procedure must be executed on the system on which the history database is installed.

Procedure 2.1. Allowing Read-Only Access to the History Database

  1. Create the user to be granted read-only access to the history database:
    # psql -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE [user name] WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '[password]';" -d ovirt_engine_history
  2. Grant the newly created user permission to connect to the history database:
    # psql -U postgres -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ovirt_engine_history TO [user name];"
  3. Grant the newly created user usage of the public schema:
    # psql -U postgres -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO [user name];" ovirt_engine_history
  4. Generate the rest of the permissions that will be granted to the newly created user and save them to a file:
    # psql -U postgres -c "SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname || ' TO [user name];' FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace WHERE nspname = 'public' AND relkind IN ('r', 'v');" --pset=tuples_only=on  ovirt_engine_history > grant.sql
  5. Use the file you created in the previous step to grant permissions to the newly created user:
    # psql -U postgres -f grant.sql ovirt_engine_history
  6. Remove the file you used to grant permissions to the newly created user:
    # rm grant.sql

You can now access the ovirt_engine_history database with the newly created user using the following command:

# psql -U [user name] ovirt_engine_history
SELECT statements against tables and views in the ovirt_engine_history database succeed, while modifications fail.

2.2.7. Reports Examples

The following examples provide an introduction to reports produced from queries to the ovirt_engine_history database. The database gives users access to a rich data set and enables a variety of complex reporting scenarios. These examples illustrate only basic reporting requirements.
Resource Utilization on a Single Host

This example produces a resource utilization report for a single host. The resource utilization report provides CPU- and memory-usage percentage information from readings taken at one-minute intervals. This kind of report is useful for gaining insight into the load factor of an individual host over a short period of time. The report is defined by the following SQL query. Ensure the values provided for the host_name and history_datetime components of the where clause are substituted with the appropriate values for your environment and that the latest configuration is in use.

Example 2.1. Report query for resource utilization on a single host

 select history_datetime as DateTime, cpu_usage_percent as CPU, memory_usage_percent as Memory
    from host_configuration, host_samples_history
    where host_configuration.host_id = host_samples_history.host_id
    and host_name = 'example.labname.abc.company.com'
    and host_configuration.history_id in (select max(a.history_id)
    						from host_configuration as a
    						where host_configuration.host_id = a.host_id)
    and history_datetime >= '2011-07-01 18:45'
    and history_datetime <= '2011-07-31 21:45'

This query returns a table of data with one row per minute:

Table 2.2. Resource Utilization for a Single Host Example Data

DateTime CPU Memory
2010-07-01 18:45 42 0
2010-07-01 18:46 42 0
2010-07-01 18:47 42 1
2010-07-01 18:48 33 0
2010-07-01 18:49 33 0
2010-07-01 18:50 25 1
Compose the data into a graph or chart using third-party data analysis and visualization tools such as OpenOffice.org Calc and Microsoft Excel. For this example, a line graph showing the utilization for a single host over time is a useful visualization. Figure 2.1, “Single host utilization line graph” was produced using the Chart Wizard tool in OpenOffice.org Calc.
Single host utilization line graph

Figure 2.1. Single host utilization line graph

Resource Utilization Across All Hosts

This example produces an aggregated resource utilization report across all hosts in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager environment. Aggregated usage percentages for CPU and memory are shown with an hourly temporal resolution. This kind of report reveals utilization trends for the entire environment over a long period of time and is useful for capacity planning purposes. The following SQL query defines the report. Ensure the values provided for the history_datetime components of the where clause are substituted with appropriate values for your environment.

Example 2.2. Report query for resource utilization across all hosts

    select extract(hour from history_datetime) as Hour, avg(cpu_usage_percent) as CPU, avg(memory_usage_percent) as Memory
    from host_hourly_history
    where history_datetime >= '2011-07-01' and history_datetime < '2011-07-31'
    group by extract(hour from history_datetime)
    order by extract(hour from history_datetime)

This query returns a table of data with one row per hour:

Table 2.3. Resource utilization across all hosts example data

Hour CPU Memory
0 39 40
1 38 38
2 37 32
3 35 45
4 35 37
5 36 37
Compose the data into a graph or chart using third party data analysis and visualization tools such as OpenOffice.org Calc and Microsoft Excel. For this example, a line graph showing the total system utilization over time is a useful visualization. Figure 2.2, “Total system utilization line graph” was produced using the Chart Wizard tool in OpenOffice.org Calc.
Total system utilization line graph

Figure 2.2. Total system utilization line graph

Tag Filter of Latest Virtual Machine Configuration

This example filters the latest virtual machine configuration list using the history tag tables. This kind of report demonstrates usage of the tags tree built in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to filter lists. The following SQL query defines this report. This query uses a predefined function that receives tag history IDs and returns the tag path with latest names of the tags in the Administration Portal. Ensure the values provided for the function result components of the where clause are substituted with appropriate values for your environment.

Example 2.3. 

	SELECT vm_name
  FROM vm_configuration
		inner join latest_tag_relations_history on (vm_configuration.vm_id = latest_tag_relations_history.entity_id)
			inner join latest_tag_details on (latest_tag_details.tag_id = latest_tag_relations_history.parent_id)
 WHERE getpathinnames(latest_tag_details.history_id) like '/root/tlv%'
This query returns a table of data with all virtual machine names that are attached to this tag:

Table 2.4. Tag Filtering of Latest Virtual Machine Configuration

List Current Virtual Machines' Names, Types, and Operating Systems

This example produces a list of all current virtual machines names, types and operating systems in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager environment. This kind of report demonstrates the usage of the ENUM table. The following SQL query defines this report:

Example 2.4. 

SELECT 	vm_name, vm_type, operating_system
  FROM 	vm_configuration
		inner join enum_translator as vm_type_value on (vm_type_value.enum_type = 'VM_TYPE' and vm_configuration.vm_type = vm_type_value.enum_key)
		inner join enum_translator as os_value on (os_value.enum_type = 'OS_TYPE' and vm_configuration.operating_system = os_value.enum_key)
This query returns a table of virtual machines with operating system and virtual machine type data:

Table 2.5. Current Virtual Machines' Names, Types, and Operating Systems

vm_name vm_type operating_system
RHEL6-Pool-2 Desktop RHEL 6 x64
RHEL6-Pool-1 Desktop RHEL 6 x64
RHEL6-Pool-3 Desktop RHEL 6 x64
RHEL6-Pool-4 Desktop RHEL 6 x64
RHEL6-Pool-5 Desktop RHEL 6 x64

2.2.8. Statistics History Views Statistics History Views

This section describes the statistics history views available to the user for querying and generating reports. Datacenter Statistics Views

Historical statistics for each data center in the system.

Table 2.6. Historical Statistics for Each Data Center in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
datacenter_id uuid The unique ID of the data center.
datacenter_status smallint
  • -1 - Unknown Status (used only to indicate a problem with the ETL -- PLEASE NOTIFY SUPPORT)
  • 1 - Up
  • 2 - Maintenance
  • 3 - Problematic
minutes_in_status decimal The total number of minutes that the data center was in the status shown in the datacenter_status column for the aggregation period. For example, if a data center was up for 55 minutes and in maintenance mode for 5 minutes during an hour, two rows will show for this hour. One will have a datacenter_status of Up and minutes_in_status of 55, the other will have a datacenter_status of Maintenance and a minutes_in_status of 5.
datacenter_configuration_version integer The data center configuration version at the time of sample. Storage Domain Statistics Views

Table 2.7. Historical Statistics for Each Storage Domain in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
storage_domain_id uuid Unique ID of the storage domain in the system.
available_disk_size_gb integer The total available (unused) capacity on the disk, expressed in gigabytes (GB).
used_disk_size_gb integer The total used capacity on the disk, expressed in gigabytes (GB).
storage_configuration_version integer The storage domain configuration version at the time of sample.
storage_domain_status smallint The storage domain status.
minutes_in_status decimal The total number of minutes that the storage domain was in the status shown state as shown in the status column for the aggregation period. For example, if a storage domain was "Active" for 55 minutes and "Inactive" for 5 minutes within an hour, two rows will be reported in the table for the same hour. One row will have a status of Active with minutes_in_status of 55, the other will have a status of Inactive and minutes_in_status of 5. Host Statistics Views

Table 2.8. Historical Statistics for Each Host in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
host_id uuid Unique ID of the host in the system.
host_status smallint
  • -1 - Unknown Status (used only to indicate a problem with the ETL -- PLEASE NOTIFY SUPPORT)
  • 1 - Up
  • 2 - Maintenance
  • 3 - Problematic
minutes_in_status decimal The total number of minutes that the host was in the status shown in the status column for the aggregation period. For example, if a host was up for 55 minutes and down for 5 minutes during an hour, two rows will show for this hour. One will have a status of Up and minutes_in_status of 55, the other will have a status of Down and a minutes_in_status of 5.
memory_usage_percent smallint Percentage of used memory on the host.
max_memory_usage smallint The maximum memory usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
cpu_usage_percent smallint Used CPU percentage on the host.
max_cpu_usage smallint The maximum CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
ksm_cpu_percent smallint CPU percentage ksm on the host is using.
max_ksm_cpu_percent smallint The maximum KSM usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
active_vms smallint The average number of active virtual machines for this aggregation.
max_active_vms smallint The maximum active number of virtual machines for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
total_vms smallint The average number of all virtual machines on the host for this aggregation.
max_total_vms smallint The maximum total number of virtual machines for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
total_vms_vcpus smallint Total number of VCPUs allocated to the host.
max_total_vms_vcpus smallint The maximum total virtual machine VCPU number for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
cpu_load smallint The CPU load of the host.
max_cpu_load smallint The maximum CPU load for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
system_cpu_usage_percent smallint Used CPU percentage on the host.
max_system_cpu_usage_percent smallint The maximum system CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
user_cpu_usage_percent smallint Used user CPU percentage on the host.
max_user_cpu_usage_percent smallint The maximum user CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
swap_used_mb integer Used swap size usage of the host in megabytes (MB).
max_swap_used_mb integer The maximum user swap size usage of the host for the aggregation period in megabytes (MB), expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
host_configuration_version integer The host configuration version at the time of sample.
ksm_shared_memory_mb bigint The Kernel Shared Memory size in megabytes (MB) that the host is using.
max_ksm_shared_memory_mb bigint The maximum KSM memory usage for the aggregation period expressed in megabytes (MB). For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value. Host Interface Statistics Views

Historical Statistics for Each Host Network Interface in the System

Table 2.9. Historical Statistics for Each Host Network Interface in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history view (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
host_interface_id uuid Unique identifier of the interface in the system.
receive_rate_percent smallint Used receive rate percentage on the host.
max_receive_rate_percent smallint The maximum receive rate for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
transmit_rate_percent smallint Used transmit rate percentage on the host.
max_transmit_rate_percent smallint The maximum transmit rate for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
host_interface_configuration_version integer The host interface configuration version at the time of sample. Virtual Machine Statistics Views

Table 2.10. Historical statistics for the virtual machines in the system

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
vm_id uuid Unique ID of the virtual machine in the system.
vm_status smallint
  • -1 - Unknown Status (used only to indicate problems with the ETL -- PLEASE NOTIFY SUPPORT)
  • 0 - Down
  • 1 - Up
  • 2 - Paused
  • 3 - Problematic
minutes_in_status decimal The total number of minutes that the virtual machine was in the status shown in the status column for the aggregation period. For example, if a virtual machine was up for 55 minutes and down for 5 minutes during an hour, two rows will show for this hour. One will have a status of Up and minutes_in_status, the other will have a status of Down and a minutes_in_status of 5.
cpu_usage_percent smallint The percentage of the CPU in use by the virtual machine.
max_cpu_usage smallint The maximum CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
memory_usage_percent smallint Percentage of used memory in the virtual machine. The guest tools must be installed on the virtual machine for memory usage to be recorded.
max_memory_usage smallint The maximum memory usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value. The guest tools must be installed on the virtual machine for memory usage to be recorded.
user_cpu_usage_percent smallint Used user CPU percentage on the host.
max_user_cpu_usage_percent smallint The maximum user CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregation, it is the maximum hourly average value.
system_cpu_usage_percent smallint Used system CPU percentage on the host.
max_system_cpu_usage_percent smallint The maximum system CPU usage for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
vm_ip varchar(255) The IP address of the first NIC. Only shown if the guest agent is installed.
current_user_name varchar(255) Name of user logged into the virtual machine console, if a guest agent is installed.
currently_running_on_host uuid The unique ID of the host the virtual machine is running on.
vm_configuration_version integer The virtual machine configuration version at the time of sample.
current_host_configuration_version integer The current host the virtual machine is running on.
current_user_id uuid The unique ID of the user in the system. This ID is generated by the Manager. Virtual Machine Interface Statistics Views

Table 2.11. Historical Statistics for the Virtual Machine Network Interfaces in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
vm_interface_id uuid Unique identifier of the interface in the system.
receive_rate_percent smallint Used receive rate percentage on the host.
max_receive_rate_percent smallint The maximum receive rate for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
transmit_rate_percent smallint Used transmit rate percentage on the host.
max_transmit_rate_percent smallint The maximum transmit rate for the aggregation period, expressed as a percentage. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average rate.
vm_interface_configuration_version integer The virtual machine interface configuration version at the time of sample. Virtual Machine Disk Statistics Views

Table 2.12. Historical Statistics for the Virtual Disks in the System

Name Type Description
history_id bigint The unique ID of this row in the table.
history_datetime timestamp with time zone The timestamp of this history row (rounded to minute, hour, day as per the aggregation level).
vm_disk_id uuid Unique ID of the disk in the system.
vm_disk_status integer
  • 0 - Unassigned
  • 1 - OK
  • 2 - Locked
  • 3 - Invalid
  • 4 - Illegal
minutes_in_status decimal The total number of minutes that the virtual machine disk was in the status shown in the status column for the aggregation period. For example, if a virtual machine disk was locked for 55 minutes and OK for 5 minutes during an hour, two rows will show for this hour. One will have a status of Locked and minutes_in_status of 55, the other will have a status of OK and a minutes_in_status of 5.
vm_disk_actual_size_mb integer The actual size allocated to the disk.
read_rate_bytes_per_second integer Read rate to disk in bytes per second.
max_read_rate_bytes_per_second integer The maximum read rate for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
read_latency_seconds decimal The virtual machine disk read latency measured in seconds.
max_read_latency_seconds decimal The maximum read latency for the aggregation period, measured in seconds. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
write_rate_bytes_per_second integer Write rate to disk in bytes per second.
max_write_rate_bytes_per_second integer The maximum write rate for the aggregation period. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
write_latency_seconds decimal The virtual machine disk write latency measured in seconds.
max_write_latency_seconds decimal The maximum write latency for the aggregation period, measured in seconds. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
flush_latency_seconds decimal The virtual machine disk flush latency measured in seconds.
max_flush_latency_seconds decimal The maximum flush latency for the aggregation period, measured in seconds. For hourly aggregations, this is the maximum collected sample value. For daily aggregations, it is the maximum hourly average value.
vm_disk_configuration_version integer The virtual machine disk configuration version at the time of sample.

2.2.9. Configuration History Views Configuration History Views

This section describes the configuration views available to the user for querying and generating reports.


delete_date does not appear in latest views because these views provide the latest configuration of living entities, which, by definition, have not been deleted. Data Center Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the data centers in the system.

Table 2.13. v3_5_configuration_history_datacenters

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
datacenter_id uuid The unique ID of the data center in the system.
datacenter_name varchar(40) Name of the data center, as displayed in the edit dialog.
datacenter_description varchar(4000) Description of the data center, as displayed in the edit dialog.
storage_type smallint
  • 0 -Unknown
  • 1 - NFS
  • 2 - FCP
  • 3 - iSCSI
  • 4 - Local
  • 6 - All
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Datacenter Storage Domain Map

The following table shows the relationships between storage domains and data centers in the system.

Table 2.14. v3_5_map_history_datacenters_storage_domains

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
storage_domain_id uuid The unique ID of this storage domain in the system.
datacenter_id uuid The unique ID of the data center in the system.
attach_date timestamp with time zone The date the storage domain was attached to the data center.
detach_date timestamp with time zone The date the storage domain was detached from the data center. Storage Domain Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the storage domains in the system.

Table 2.15. v3_5_configuration_history_storage_domains

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
storage_domain_id uuid The unique ID of this storage domain in the system.
storage_domain_name varchar(250) Storage domain name.
storage_domain_type smallint
  • 0 - Data (Master)
  • 1 - Data
  • 2 - ISO
  • 3 - Export
storage_type smallint
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - NFS
  • 2 - FCP
  • 3 - iSCSI
  • 4 - Local
  • 6 - All
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Cluster Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the clusters in the system.

Table 2.16. v3_5_configuration_history_clusters

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
cluster_id uuid The unique identifier of the datacenter this cluster resides in.
cluster_name varchar(40) Name of the cluster, as displayed in the edit dialog.
cluster_description varchar(4000) As defined in the edit dialog.
datacenter_id uuid The unique identifier of the datacenter this cluster resides in.
cpu_name varchar(255) As displayed in the edit dialog.
compatibility_version varchar(40) As displayed in the edit dialog.
datacenter_configuration_version integer The data center configuration version at the time of creation or update.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Host Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the hosts in the system.

Table 2.17. v3_5_configuration_history_hosts

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
host_id uuid The unique ID of the host in the system.
host_unique_id varchar(128) This field is a combination of the host physical UUID and one of its MAC addresses, and is used to detect hosts already registered in the system.
host_name varchar(255) Name of the host (same as in the edit dialog).
cluster_id uuid The unique ID of the cluster that this host belongs to.
host_type smallint
  • 0 - RHEL Host
  • 2 - RHEV Hypervisor Node
fqdn_or_ip varchar(255) The host's DNS name or its IP address for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to communicate with (as displayed in the edit dialog).
memory_size_mb integer The host's physical memory capacity, expressed in megabytes (MB).
swap_size_mb integer The host swap partition size.
cpu_model varchar(255) The host's CPU model.
number_of_cores smallint Total number of CPU cores in the host.
number_of_sockets smallint Total number of CPU sockets.
cpu_speed_mh decimal The host's CPU speed, expressed in megahertz (MHz).
host_os varchar(255) The host's operating system version.
pm_ip_address varchar(255) Power Management server IP address.
kernel_version varchar(255) The host's kernel version.
kvm_version varchar(255) The host's KVM version.
vdsm_version varchar(40) The host's VDSM version.
vdsm_port integer As displayed in the edit dialog.
cluster_configuration_version integer The cluster configuration version at the time of creation or update.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Host Interface Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the host interfaces in the system.

Table 2.18. v3_5_configuration_history_hosts_interfaces

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
host_interface_id uuid The unique ID of this interface in the system.
host_interface_name varchar(50) The interface name as reported by the host.
host_id uuid Unique ID of the host this interface belongs to.
host_interface_type smallint
  • 0 - rt18139_pv
  • 1 - rt18139
  • 2 - e1000
  • 3 - pv
host_interface_speed_bps integer The interface speed in bits per second.
mac_address varchar(20) The interface MAC address.
logical_network_name varchar(50) The logical network associated with the interface.
ip_address varchar(50) As displayed in the edit dialog.
gateway varchar(20) As displayed in the edit dialog.
bond Boolean A flag to indicate if this interface is a bonded interface.
bond_name varchar(50) The name of the bond this interface is part of (if it is part of a bond).
vlan_id integer As displayed in the edit dialog.
host_configuration_version integer The host configuration version at the time of creation or update.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Virtual Machine Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the virtual machines in the system.

Table 2.19. v3_5_configuration_history_vms

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
vm_id uuid The unique ID of this VM in the system.
vm_name varchar(255) The name of the VM.
vm_description varchar(4000) As displayed in the edit dialog.
vm_type smallint
  • 0 - Desktop
  • 1 - Server
cluster_id uuid The unique ID of the cluster this VM belongs to.
template_id uuid The unique ID of the template this VM is derived from. The field is for future use, as the templates are not synchronized to the history database in this version.
template_name varchar(40) Name of the template from which this VM is derived.
cpu_per_socket smallint Virtual CPUs per socket.
number_of_sockets smallint Total number of virtual CPU sockets.
memory_size_mb integer Total memory allocated to the VM, expressed in megabytes (MB).
operating_system smallint
  • 0 - Other OS
  • 1 - Windows XP
  • 3 - Windows 2003
  • 4 - Windows 2008
  • 5 - Linux
  • 7 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
  • 8 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x
  • 9 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.x
  • 10 - Windows 2003 x64
  • 11 - Windows 7
  • 12 - Windows 7 x64
  • 13 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x x64
  • 14 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x x64
  • 15 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.x x64
  • 16 - Windows 2008 x64
  • 17 - Windows 2008 R2 x64
  • 18 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x
  • 19 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x x64
  • 20 - Windows 8
  • 21 - Windows 8 x64
  • 23 - Windows 2012 x64
  • 1001 - Other
  • 1002 - Linux
  • 1003 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x
  • 1004 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  • 1193 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  • 1252 - Ubuntu Precise Pangolin LTS
  • 1253 - Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal
  • 1254 - Ubuntu Raring Ringtails
  • 1255 - Ubuntu Saucy Salamander
default_host uuid As displayed in the edit dialog, the ID of the default host in the system.
high_availability Boolean As displayed in the edit dialog.
initialized Boolean A flag to indicate if this VM was started at least once for Sysprep initialization purposes.
stateless Boolean As displayed in the edit dialog.
fail_back Boolean As displayed in the edit dialog.
usb_policy smallint As displayed in the edit dialog.
time_zone varchar(40) As displayed in the edit dialog.
cluster_configuration_version integer The cluster configuration version at the time of creation or update.
default_host_configuration_version integer The host configuration version at the time of creation or update.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system.
vm_pool_id uuid The virtual machine's pool unique ID.
vm_pool_name varchar(255) The name of the virtual machine's pool. Virtual Machine Interface Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the virtual interfaces in the system.

Table 2.20. v3_5_configuration_history_vms_interfaces

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
vm_interface_id uuid The unique ID of this interface in the system.
vm_interface_name varchar(50) As displayed in the edit dialog.
vm_interface_type smallint
The type of the virtual interface.
  • 0 - rt18139_pv
  • 1 - rt18139
  • 2 - e1000
  • 3 - pv
vm_interface_speed_bps integer The average speed of the interface during the aggregation in bits per second.
mac_address varchar(20) As displayed in the edit dialog.
logical_network_name varchar(50) As displayed in the edit dialog.
vm_configuration_version integer The virtual machine configuration version at the time of creation or update.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system. Virtual Machine Device Configuration

The following table shows the relationships between virtual machines and their associated devices, including disks and virtual interfaces.

Table 2.21. v3_5_configuration_history_vms_devices

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
vm_id uuid The unique ID of the virtual machine in the system.
type varchar(30) VM Device Type which can be "disk" or "interface"
address varchar(255) The virtual machine's device physical address
is_managed Boolean Flag that indicates if the device is managed by the Manager
is_plugged Boolean Flag that indicates if the device is plugged into the virtual machine.
is_readonly Boolean Flag that indicates if the device is read only.
vm_configuration_version integer The virtual machine configuration version at the time the sample was taken.
device_configuration_version integer The device configuration version at the time the sample was taken.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system. Virtual Machine Disk Configuration

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the virtual disks in the system.

Table 2.22. v3_5_configuration_history_vms_disks

Name Type Description
history_id integer The ID of the configuration version in the history database.
vm_disk_id uuid The unique ID of this disk in the system.
vm_disk_description varchar(4000) As displayed in the edit dialog.
storage_domain_id uuid The ID of the storage domain this disk image belongs to.
vm_disk_size_mb integer The defined size of the disk in megabytes (MB).
vm_disk_type integer
As displayed in the edit dialog. Only System and data are currently used.
  • 0 - Unassigned
  • 1 - System
  • 2 - Data
  • 3 - Shared
  • 4 - Swap
  • 5 - Temp
vm_disk_format integer
As displayed in the edit dialog.
  • 3 - Unassigned
  • 4 - COW
  • 5 - RAW
vm_disk_interface integer
  • 0 - IDE
  • 1 - SCSI (not supported)
  • 2 - VirtIO
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system.
is_shared Boolean Flag that indicates if the virtual machine's disk is shared.
image_id uuid The unique ID of the image in the system. User Details History

The following table shows the configuration history parameters of the users in the system.

Table 2.23. v3_6_users_details_history view

Name Type Description
user_id uuid The unique ID of the user in the system as generated by Manager.
first_name varchar(255) The user's first name.
last_name varchar(255) The user's last name.
domain varchar(255) The name of the authorization extension.
username varchar(255) The account name
department varchar(255) The organizational department the user belongs to.
user_role_title varchar(255) The title or role of the user within the organization.
email varchar(255) The email of the user in the organization.
external_id text The unique identifier of the user from the external system.
active Boolean If the user is active or not - this is being checked once in an hour, if the user can be found in the authorization extension then it will remain active. A user can be turned to active also on successful login.
create_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was added to the system.
update_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was changed in the system.
delete_date timestamp with time zone The date this entity was deleted from the system.