3.8. Upgrading Additional Hosts in a Self-Hosted Environment


It is recommended that all hosts in your self-hosted environment are upgraded at the same time. This prevents version 3.3 hosts from going into a Non Operational state. If this is not practical in your environment, follow this procedure to upgrade any additional hosts.

Ensure the host is not hosting the Manager virtual machine before beginning the procedure.
All commands in this procedure are as the root user.

Procedure 3.5. Upgrading Additional Hosts

  1. Log into the host and set the maintenance mode to local.
    # hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=local
  2. Access the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Administration Portal. Select the host and put it into maintenance mode by clicking the Maintenance button.
  3. Log into and update the host.
    # yum update
  4. Restart VDSM on the host.
    # service vdsmd restart
  5. Restart ovirt-ha-broker and ovirt-ha-agent on the host.
    # service ovirt-ha-broker restart
    # service ovirt-ha-agent restart
  6. Turn off the hosted-engine maintenance mode on the host.
    # hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=none
  7. Access the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Administration Portal. Select the host and activate it by clicking the Activate button.

You have updated an additional host in your self-hosted environment to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.4.