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12.5. Tracking Certificates with certmonger

certmonger can monitor expiration date of a certificate and automatically renew the certificate at the end of its validity period. To track a certificate in this way, run the getcert start-tracking command.


It is not required that you run getcert start-tracking after running getcert request, because the getcert request command by default automatically tracks and renews the requested certificate. The getcert start-tracking command is intended for situations when you have already obtained the key and certificate through some other process, and therefore you have to manually instruct certmonger to start the tracking.
The getcert start-tracking command takes several options:
  • -r automatically renews the certificate when its expiration date is close if the key pair already exists. This option is used by default.
  • -I sets a name for the tracking request. certmonger uses this name to refer to the combination of storage locations and request options, and it is also displayed in the output of the getcert list command. If you do not specify this option, certmonger assigns an automatically generated a name for the task.
[root@server ~]# getcert start-tracking -I cert1-tracker -d /export/alias -n ServerCert
To cancel tracking for a certificate, run the stop-tracking command.