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B.2. Fencing Configuration

You must configure a fencing device for each node in the cluster. For general information about configuring fencing devices, see Chapter 4, Fencing: Configuring STONITH.


When configuring a fencing device, you should ensure that your fencing device does not share power with the node that it controls.
This example uses the APC power switch with a host name of to fence the nodes, and it uses the fence_apc_snmp fencing agent. Because both nodes will be fenced by the same fencing agent, you can configure both fencing devices as a single resource, using the pcmk_host_map and pcmk_host_list options.
You create a fencing device by configuring the device as a stonith resource with the pcs stonith create command. The following command configures a stonith resource named myapc that uses the fence_apc_snmp fencing agent for nodes and The pcmk_host_map option maps to port 1, and to port 2. The login value and password for the APC device are both apc. By default, this device will use a monitor interval of 60s for each node.
Note that you can use an IP address when specifying the host name for the nodes.
[root@z1 ~]# pcs stonith create myapc fence_apc_snmp \
ipaddr="" pcmk_host_map=";" \
pcmk_host_check="static-list" pcmk_host_list="," \
login="apc" passwd="apc"


When you create a fence_apc_snmp stonith device, you may see the following warning message, which you can safely ignore:
Warning: missing required option(s): 'port, action' for resource type: stonith:fence_apc_snmp
The following command displays the parameters of an existing STONITH device.
[root@rh7-1 ~]# pcs stonith show myapc
 Resource: myapc (class=stonith type=fence_apc_snmp)
  Attributes:; pcmk_host_check=static-list, login=apc passwd=apc
  Operations: monitor interval=60s (myapc-monitor-interval-60s)