Red Hat Training

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Chapter 2. General Updates

Cross channel package dependency improvements

The yum utility has been enhanced to prompt the end user to search disabled package repositories on the system when a package dependency error occurs. This change will allow users to quickly resolve dependency errors by first checking all known channels for the missing package dependency.
To enable this functionality, execute yum update yum subscription-manager prior to upgrading your machine to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8.
See the System and Subscription Management chapter for further details on the implementation of this feature. (BZ#1197245)

Packages moved to the Optional Channel

The following packages have been moved to the Optional channel:
  • gnome-devel-docs
  • libstdc++-docs
  • xorg-x11-docs
Note that if any of these packages have previously been installed, using the yum update command for updating these packages can lead to problems causing the update to fail. Enable the Optional channel before updating the mentioned installed packages or uninstall them before updating your system.
For detailed instructions on how to subscribe your system to the Optional channel, see the relevant Knowledgebase articles on Red Hat Customer Portal: for Red Hat Subscription Management or if your system is registered with RHN Classic. (BZ#1300789)