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13.3. Additional Resources

A detailed description of OProfile and its features is beyond the scope of this book. For more information, see the resources listed below.

Installed Documentation

  • oprofile(1) — The manual page named oprofile provides an overview of OProfile and available tools. To display the manual page for the version included in Red Hat Developer Toolset, type:
    scl enable devtoolset-4 'man oprofile'
  • opannotate(1), oparchive(1), operf(1), opgprof(1), ophelp(1), opimport(1), opreport(1) — Manual pages for various tools distributed with OProfile provide more information on their respective usage. To display the manual page for the version included in Red Hat Developer Toolset, type:
    scl enable devtoolset-4 'man tool'

Online Documentation

See Also

  • Chapter 1, Red Hat Developer Toolset provides an overview of Red Hat Developer Toolset and more information on how to install it on your system.
  • Chapter 11, SystemTap provides an introduction to SystemTap and explains how to use it to monitor the activities of a running system.
  • Chapter 12, Valgrind explains how to use Valgrind to profile applications and detect memory errors and memory management problems, such as the use of uninitialized memory, improper allocation and freeing of memory, and the use of improper arguments in system calls.
  • Chapter 14, Dyninst documents how to use the Dyninst library to instrument a user-space executable.