Red Hat Training

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13.7.2. Aggregator

Class org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.Aggregator
This is a message aggregation action.  It is an implementation of the aggregator enterprise integration pattern. (see
This action relies on all messages having the correct correlation data. This data is set on the message as a property called "aggregatorTag" (Message.Properties). See the ContentBasedRouter and StaticRouter actions.
The data has the following format:
[UUID] ":" [message-number] ":" [message-count]
If all the messages have been received by the aggregator, it returns a new Message containing all the messages as part of the Message.Attachment list (unnamed), otherwise the action returns null.

Table 13.17. Aggregator Properties

Property Description Required
Timeout time in milliseconds before the aggregation process times out.
<action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.Aggregator" name="Aggregator">
    <property name="timeoutInMillies" value="60000"/>