9.7.4. Use LDAP to Authenticate to the Management Interfaces

To use an LDAP directory server as the authentication source for the Management Console, Management CLI, or Management API, you need to perform the following procedures:
  1. Create an outbound connection to the LDAP server.
  2. Create an LDAP-enabled security realm.
  3. Reference the new security domain in the Management Interface.
Create an Outbound Connection to an LDAP Server

The LDAP outbound connection allows the following attributes:

Table 9.1. Attributes of an LDAP Outbound Connection

Attribute Required Description
name yes
The name to identify this connection. This name is used in the security realm definition.
url yes
The URL address of the directory server.
search-dn yes
The fully distinguished name (DN) of the user authorized to perform searches.
search-credentials yes
The password of the user authorized to perform searches.
initial-context-factory no
The initial context factory to use when establishing the connection. Defaults to com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.

Example 9.7. Add an LDAP Outbound Connection

This example adds an outbound connection with the following properties set:
  • Search DN: cn=search,dc=acme,dc=com
  • Search Credential: myPass
  • URL:

Example 9.8. XML Representing an LDAP Outbound Connection

   <ldap name="ldap_connection" url="ldap://" search-dn="cn=search,dc=acme,dc=com" search-credential="myPass" />

Create an LDAP-Enabled Security Realm

The Management Interfaces can authenticate against LDAP server instead of the property-file based security realms configured by default. The LDAP authenticator operates by first establishing a connection to the remote directory server. It then performs a search using the username which the user passed to the authentication system, to find the fully-qualified distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP record. A new connection is established, using the DN of the user as the credential, and password supplied by the user. If this authentication to the LDAP server is successful, the DN is verified to be valid.

The LDAP security realm needs the following configuration attributes and elements in order to perform its functions.
The name of the connection defined in <outbound-connections> to use to connect to the LDAP directory.
The distinguished name of the context to begin searching for the user.
Whether the search should be recursive throughout the LDAP directory tree, or only search the specified context. Defaults to false.
The attribute of the user that holds the distinguished name. This is subsequently used to test authentication as the user can complete. Defaults to dn.
One of username-filter or advanced-filter, as a child element
The username-filter takes a single attribute called attribute, whose value is the name of the LDAP attribute which holds the username, such as userName or sambaAccountName.
The advanced-filter takes a single attribute called filter. This attribute contains a filter query in standard LDAP syntax. Be cautious to escape any & characters by changing them to &amp;. An example of a filter is:
After escaping the ampersand character, the filter appears as:

Example 9.9. XML Representing an LDAP-enabled Security Realm

This example uses the following parameters:
  • connection - ldap_connection
  • base-dn - cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com.
  • username-filter - attribute="sambaAccountName"
<security-realm name="TestRealm">
      <ldap connection="ldap_connection" base-dn="cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com">
         <username-filter attribute="sambaAccountName" />

Example 9.10. Add an LDAP Security Realm

The command below adds a security realm and sets its attributes.
/host=master/core-service=management/security-realm=ldap_security_realm/authentication=ldap:add(base-dn="DC=mycompany,DC=org", recursive=true, username-attribute="MyAccountName", connection="ldap_connection")
Apply the New Security Realm to the Management Interface

After you create a security realm, you need to reference it in the configuration of your management interface. The management interface will use the security realm for HTTP digest authentication.

Example 9.11. Apply the Security Realm to the HTTP Interface

After this configuration is in place, the web-based Management Console will use LDAP to authenticate its users.
Restart JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and your HTTP interface uses your LDAP server for authentication.