17.2. Configure the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) Subsystem

The JCA subsystem in the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 configuration file controls the general settings for the JCA container and resource adapter deployments.
Key elements of the JCA subsystem

Archive validation
  • This setting whether archive validation will be performed on the deployment units.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for archive validation.

    Table 17.1. Archive validation attributes

    Attribute Default Value Description
    enabled true
    Specifies whether archive validation is enabled.
    fail-on-error true
    Specifies whether an archive validation error report fails the deployment.
    fail-on-warn false
    Specifies whether an archive validation warning report fails the deployment.
  • If an archive does not implement the Java EE Connector Architecture specification correctly and archive validation is enabled, an error message will display during deployment describing the problem. For example:
    Severity: ERROR
    Section: 19.4.2 
    Description: A ResourceAdapter must implement a "public int hashCode()" method. 
    Code: com.mycompany.myproject.ResourceAdapterImpl
    Severity: ERROR
    Section: 19.4.2
    Description: A ResourceAdapter must implement a "public boolean equals(Object)" method.
    Code: com.mycompany.myproject.ResourceAdapterImpl
  • If archive validation is not specifed, it is considered present and the enabled attribute defaults to true.
Bean validation
  • This setting determines whether bean validation (JSR-303) will be performed on the deployment units.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for bean validation.

    Table 17.2. Bean validation attributes

    Attribute Default Value Description
    enabled true
    Specifies whether bean validation is enabled.
  • If bean validation is not specifed, it is considered present and the enabled attribute defaults to true.
Work managers
  • There are two types of work managers:
    Default work manager
    The default work manager and its thread pools.
    Custom work manager
    A custom work manager definition and its thread pools.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for work managers.

    Table 17.3. Work manager attributes

    Attribute Description
    Specifies the name of the work manager. This is required for custom work managers.
    Thread pool for standard Work instances. Each work manager has one short-running thread pool.
    Thread pool for JCA 1.6 Work instances that set the LONG_RUNNING hint. Each work manager can have one optional long-running thread pool.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for work manager thread pools.

    Table 17.4. Thread pool attributes

    Attribute Description
    Boolean setting that determines whether core threads may time out. The default value is false.
    The core thread pool size. This must be smaller than the maximum thread pool size.
    The maximum queue length.
    The maximum thread pool size.
    Specifies the amount of time that pool threads should be kept after doing work.
    Reference to the thread factory .
Bootstrap contexts
  • Used to define custom bootstrap contexts.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for bootstrap contexts.

    Table 17.5. Bootstrap context attributes

    Attribute Description
    Specifies the name of the bootstrap context.
    Specifies the name of the work manager to use for this context.
Cached connection manager
  • Used for debugging connections and supporting lazy enlistment of a connection in a transaction, tracking whether they are used and released properly by the application.
  • The following table describes the attributes you can set for the cached connection manager.

    Table 17.6. Cached connection manager attributes

    Attribute Default Value Description
    debug false
    Outputs warning on failure to explicity close connections.
    error false
    Throws exception on failure to explicitly close connections.

Procedure 17.1. Configure the JCA subsystem using the Management Console

  1. The JCA subsystem of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 can be configured in the Management Console. The JCA configuration options are located in slightly different places in the Management Console depending on how the server is being run.
    • If the server is running as a Standalone Server, follow these steps:
      1. Click on the Profile link on the top right to switch to the Profile view.
      2. Ensure the Profile section in the navigation panel to the left is expanded.
      3. Click on Connector to expand it, and then click on JCA.
    • If the server is running as part of a Managed Domain, follow these steps:
      1. Click on the Profile link on the top right to switch to the Profile view
      2. Select the profile you are modifying from the Profile menu at the top of the navigation panel on the left.
      3. Click on Connector to expand it, and then click on JCA.
  2. Configure the settings for the JCA subsystem using the three tabs.
    1. Common Config

      The Common Config tab contains settings for the cached connection manager, archive validation and bean validation ((JSR-303). Each of these is contained in their own tab as well. These settings can be changed by opening the appropriate tab, clicking the edit button, making the required changes, and then clicking on the save button.
      JCA Common Configuration

      Figure 17.1. JCA Common Configuration

    2. Work Managers

      The Work Manager tab contains the list of configured Work Managers. New Work Managers can be added, removed, and their thread pools configured here. Each Work Manager can have one short-running thread pool and an optional long-running thread pool.
      Work Managers

      Figure 17.2. Work Managers

      The thread pool attributes can be configured here:
      Work Manager Thread Pools

      Figure 17.3. Work Manager Thread Pools

    3. Bootstrap Contexts

      The Bootstrap Contexts tab contains the list of configured Bootstrap Contexts. New Bootstrap Context objects can be added, removed, and configured. Each Bootstrap Context must be assigned a Work Manager.
      Bootstrap Contexts

      Figure 17.4. Bootstrap Contexts