7.7.3. Implementing a Custom Load Balancing Policy for EJB Calls

It is possible to implement a custom/alternate load balancing policy so that servers for the application do not handle the same amount of EJB calls in general or for a specific time period.
You can implement AllClusterNodeSelector for EJB calls. The node selection behavior of AllClusterNodeSelector is similar to default selector except that AllClusterNodeSelector uses all available cluster nodes even in case of a large cluster (number of nodes>20). If an unconnected cluster node is returned it is opened automatically. The following example shows AllClusterNodeSelector implementation:
package org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.clients.selector;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.jboss.ejb.client.ClusterNodeSelector;
public class AllClusterNodeSelector implements ClusterNodeSelector {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AllClusterNodeSelector.class.getName());
  public String selectNode(final String clusterName, final String[] connectedNodes, final String[] availableNodes) {
    if(LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
      LOGGER.finer("INSTANCE "+this+ " : cluster:"+clusterName+" connected:"+Arrays.deepToString(connectedNodes)+" available:"+Arrays.deepToString(availableNodes));
    if (availableNodes.length == 1) {
        return availableNodes[0];
    final Random random = new Random();
    final int randomSelection = random.nextInt(availableNodes.length);
    return availableNodes[randomSelection];

You can also implement the SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector for EJB calls. Load balancing in SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector happens based on a load factor. The load factor (2/3/4) is calculated based on the names of nodes (A/B/C) irrespective of the load on each node. The following example shows SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector implementation:
package org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.clients.selector;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.jboss.ejb.client.DeploymentNodeSelector;
public class SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector implements DeploymentNodeSelector {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector.class.getName());
  private final Map<String, List<String>[]> nodes = new HashMap<String, List<String>[]>();
  private final Map<String, Integer> cursor = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
  private ArrayList<String> calculateNodes(Collection<String> eligibleNodes) {
    ArrayList<String> nodeList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String string : eligibleNodes) {
      if(string.contains("A") || string.contains("2")) {
      } else if(string.contains("B") || string.contains("3")) {
      } else if(string.contains("C") || string.contains("4")) {
    return nodeList;
  private void checkNodeNames(String[] eligibleNodes, String key) {
    if(!nodes.containsKey(key) || nodes.get(key)[0].size() != eligibleNodes.length || !nodes.get(key)[0].containsAll(Arrays.asList(eligibleNodes))) {
      // must be synchronized as the client might call it concurrent
      synchronized (nodes) {
        if(!nodes.containsKey(key) || nodes.get(key)[0].size() != eligibleNodes.length || !nodes.get(key)[0].containsAll(Arrays.asList(eligibleNodes))) {
          ArrayList<String> nodeList = new ArrayList<String>();
          nodes.put(key, new List[] { nodeList, calculateNodes(nodeList) });
   private synchronized String nextNode(String key) {
    Integer c = cursor.get(key);
    List<String> nodeList = nodes.get(key)[1];
    if(c == null || c >= nodeList.size()) {
      c = Integer.valueOf(0);
    String node = nodeList.get(c);
    cursor.put(key, Integer.valueOf(c + 1));
    return node;
  public String selectNode(String[] eligibleNodes, String appName, String moduleName, String distinctName) {
    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
      LOGGER.finer("INSTANCE " + this + " : nodes:" + Arrays.deepToString(eligibleNodes) + " appName:" + appName + " moduleName:" + moduleName
          + " distinctName:" + distinctName);

    // if there is only one there is no sense to choice
    if (eligibleNodes.length == 1) {
      return eligibleNodes[0];
    final String key = appName + "|" + moduleName + "|" + distinctName;
    checkNodeNames(eligibleNodes, key);
    return nextNode(key);
Configuration with jboss-ejb-client.properties

You need to add the property remote.cluster.ejb.clusternode.selector with the name of your implementation class (AllClusterNodeSelector or SimpleLoadFactorNodeSelector). The selector will see all configured servers which are available at the invocation time. The following example uses AllClusterNodeSelector as the deployment node selector:


remote.connection.one.port = 4447
remote.connection.two.port = 4547

Using JBoss ejb-client API

You need to add the property remote.cluster.ejb.clusternode.selector to the list for the PropertiesBasedEJBClientConfiguration constructor. The following example uses AllClusterNodeSelector as the deployment node selector:

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("remote.clusters", "ejb");
p.put("remote.cluster.ejb.clusternode.selector", "org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.clients.selector.AllClusterNodeSelector");
p.put("remote.cluster.ejb.connect.options.org.xnio.Options.SASL_POLICY_NOANONYMOUS", "false");
p.put("remote.cluster.ejb.connect.options.org.xnio.Options.SSL_ENABLED", "false");
p.put("remote.cluster.ejb.username", "test");
p.put("remote.cluster.ejb.password", "password");

p.put("remote.connectionprovider.create.options.org.xnio.Options.SSL_ENABLED", "false");
p.put("remote.connections", "one,two");
p.put("remote.connection.one.port", "4447");
p.put("remote.connection.one.host", "localhost");
p.put("remote.connection.two.port", "4547");
p.put("remote.connection.two.host", "localhost");

EJBClientConfiguration cc = new PropertiesBasedEJBClientConfiguration(p);
ContextSelector<EJBClientContext> selector = new ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector(cc);

p = new Properties();
p.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(p);

Server application side configuration with jboss-ejb-client.xml

To use the load balancing policy for server to server communication; package the class together with the application and configure it within the jboss-ejb-client.xml settings(located in META-INF folder). The following example uses AllClusterNodeSelector as the deployment node selector:

<jboss-ejb-client xmlns:xsi="urn:jboss:ejb-client:1.2" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="jboss-ejb-client_1_2.xsd">
      <!-- this is the connection to access the app -->
      <remoting-ejb-receiver outbound-connection-ref="remote-ejb-connection-1" />
  <!-- if an outbound connection connect to a cluster a list of members is provided after successful connection.
To connect to this node this cluster element must be defined.
     <!-- cluster of remote-ejb-connection-1 -->
     <cluster name="ejb" security-realm="ejb-security-realm-1" username="test" cluster-node-selector="org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.clients.selector.AllClusterNodeSelector">
           <property name="org.xnio.Options.SSL_ENABLED" value="false" />
           <property name="org.xnio.Options.SASL_POLICY_NOANONYMOUS" value="false" />
To use the above configuration with security, you will need to add ejb-security-realm-1 to client-server configuration. The following example shows the CLI commands for adding security realm (ejb-security-realm-1) the value is the base64 encoded password for the user "test"":



If you are using standalone mode use the start option -Djboss.node.name= or the server configuration file standalone.xml to configure the server name (server name=""). Ensure that the server name is unique. In domain mode, the controller automatically validates that the names are unique.