5. Unsupported Features

The following features are not currently supported in JBoss EAP.
mod_jk and mod_cluster with Apache on RHEL 7
The Apache HTTP server installable on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 via RHN channels introduces incompatibility problems with mod_cluster and mod_jk and is not supported. The Apache HTTP server shipped with JBoss EAP, however, is fully supported.
mod_rt and mod_snmp
The mod_rt (mod_rt.so) and mod_snmp (snmpmonagt.so) modules that are shipped with JBoss EAP 6's Apache HTTP Server distribution are not supported.
More information about support for these modules can be found in the Enterprise Web Server 2.1 documentation.
STOMP Protocol with HornetQ
HornetQ has community level support for the STOMP protocol. That protocol has not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by JBoss EAP.
REST Protocol with HornetQ
HornetQ has community level support for the REST protocol. That protocol has not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by JBoss EAP.
Infinispan API
Direct use of the Infinispan API is not supported in JBoss EAP 6. Infinispan is used as an implementation detail for various clustering technologies internal to JBoss EAP 6. Direct use of the Infinispan API requires a subscription to JBoss Data Grid.
IPv6 Limitations of JDK 6
The following IPv6 limitations are caused by JDK 6, and are not defects in JBoss EAP 6.
  • On Microsoft Windows Server, JDK 6 has only a partial IPv6 implementation. This implementation is not sufficient to run JBoss EAP 6. Full IPv6 support on Microsoft Windows Server requires JDK 7.
  • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, a bug in Oracle JDK 6 means that any address specified on a client (the network point establishing the connection) which contains a zone-id will fail. To use a zone-id, either upgrade to JDK 7, or use IcedTea/OpenJDK 6, which is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and does not exhibit this bug. For more information about the bug, refer to http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6800096 and https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-8833.
JPA 2.0 Context Propagation Outside of a JTA Transaction
The propagation of Extended Persistence Contexts (XPC) was not taking into account the existence of a transaction, with the XPC always being propagated. That behaviour is not in accordance with the JPA 2.0 specification. The handling of XPC has been modified so that when there is no transaction active the XPC's propagation is ignored and the bean being invoked has its own Persistence Context instead of the XPC.
If your application expects extended persistence contexts to be propagated outside of JTA transactions, you need to consider if your application needs to be modified. Refer to the JBoss EAP 6 Migration Guide for instructions on updating your application.
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 provided a system property (JBPAPP-923.alwaysPropagate) to enable this behaviour. This system property is not available in JBoss EAP 6.
For more information about this decision, refer to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-1663.
PicketLink subsystem
The PicketLink subsystem is not supported in JBoss EAP 6.3.
STS Client Pooling
The PicketLink provides a pool of STS clients on the server. This removes STS Client creation as a bottleneck.
Client pooling can be utilized from login modules that need an STS client to obtain SAML tickets.
Login Modules that can utilize STS client pooling:
  • org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.auth.STSIssuingLoginModule
  • org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.wstrust.auth.STSValidatingLoginModule
  • org.picketlink.trust.jbossws.jaas.JBWSTokenIssuingLoginModule
The default number of clients in the pool for each login module is configured via the initialNumberOfClients login module option.
The STSClientPoolFactory class org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.stspool.STSClientPoolFactory provides client pool functionality to applications.

Using STSClientPoolFactory

STS clients are inserted into sub pools using their configuration as a key. Obtain STSClientPool instance and then initialize a sub pool based on configuration, optionally with initial number of STS clients or rely on default number.
final STSClientPool pool = STSClientPoolFactory.getPoolInstance();
pool.createPool(20, stsClientConfig);
final STSClient client = pool.getClient(stsClientConfig);
When you are done with a client, you can return it to the pool like so:
To check if a subpool already exists for a given configuration:
if (! pool.configExists(stsClientConfig) {  
When the PicketLink Federation subsystem is enabled, all client pools created for a deployment are destroyed automatically during the undeploy process. To manually destroy a pool:
Tanuki Service Wrapper
The Tanuki Service Wrapper is not supported with JBoss EAP 6. More information can be found at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-8651.
XA Recovery on Microsoft SQL Server 2008
XA recovery does not work with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R1. This features does work with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2. For more information refer to the following URLs:
XA Recovery on MySQL
The MySQL JDBC driver does not implement XA recovery properly and returns incorrect error codes for exceptions when the connection to the database is halted.
JBoss OSGi
JBoss OSGi, an implementation of the OSGi specification, has been demoted from Technology Preview to Unsupported. For additional information refer to https://access.redhat.com/site/solutions/362814.
Because OSGi has never been supported and has been removed from product, the helloworld-osgi quickstart has been removed from the examples that ship with JBoss EAP 6.3.
The wicket-war and wicket-ear quickstarts depend on the seam-conversation-weld.jar. Because Seam is not supported, these quickstarts have been removed from the examples that ship with JBoss EAP 6.3.