7.3. Known Issues


1031173 - jboss-cli.bat does not work when EAP installed into directory with spaces

The jboss-cli tool will not launch successfully on the Microsoft Windows Server operating system if JBoss EAP is installed in a directory that has spaces or other special characters such as parentheses in its path. The following error message is the outcome if JBoss EAP is installed in the directory C:\JBoss EAP\jboss-eap-6.2:
Error: Could not find or load main class EAP\jboss-eap-6.2\bin\jboss-cli-logging.properties

This can be worked around by editing the jboss-cli.bat file and editing line 62 of jboss-cli.bat to move the first " character from the beginning of JAVA_OPTS to after the assignment so it looks like the following.
set JAVA_OPTS="%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=com.sun.java.swing -Dlogging.configuration=file:%JBOSS_HOME%\bin\jboss-cli-logging.properties"

This error can also be avoided by not installing JBoss EAP 6 in a directory with spaces or parentheses in its name.

This will be fixed in a future release.
1019232 - jboss-cli.sh throws NullPointerException when using tab complete on data-source node

The jboss-cli tool will throw an exception and exit when the user attempts to use the tab completion feature in some circumstances. One noted case is when using the built-in data-source operation as follows: data-source --name=ExampleDS a and then pressing the TAB key. This is due to inadequate exception handling in the command parser for these situations and will be fixed in the next release.
988283 - CLI GUI - write attribute dialog for string value should enclose value in generated command to double quotes

Attempting to set a value using the jboss-cli tool that contains a property will only save the character $ in the value instead of the property unless the entire value is contained in double-quotes. This is due because the CLI command line parser will incorrectly parse any ${X} expression as only $ unless it is contained in double-quotes.

As a workaround ensure that values that contain expressions are enclosed in double-quotes, e.g:
[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=webservices] :write-attribute(name=wsdl-host, value="${jboss.bind.address:}")

Beware that commands generated by jboss-cli in GUI mode do not automatically include the quotes.


900378 - CDI beans with SET replication trigger are not replicating

Due to a bug in the Weld component, the setAttribute method is not called correctly. This causes CDI beans with the SET replication trigger to fail to be replicated. The workaround is to use the SET_AND_NON_PRIMITIVE_GET trigger for these beans. This will be fixed in a future release.
900483 - Stale session data received when using DIST SYNC on node shutdown

During testing, some cases showed that stale session data was received when a node shut down and DIST SYNC or DIST ASYNC cache mode was used. This issue is still under investigation.


1026813 - Describe implementation details of behaviour of servlet startup init method with exception

The behaviour of the server when exceptions are thrown by servlets in their init() method or by ServletContextListener.contextInitialized is not defined by the Servlet specification and the JBoss EAP Developer Guide does not provide an explanation of JBoss EAP 6 behaves in this situation.

The behaviour of JBoss EAP 6 in these situations can be summarized as follows:
  • If an exception is thrown by the servlet init() method, then the application will still be deployed but the servlet will not be available.
  • If an exception is thrown by ServletContextListener.contextInitialized then the deployment will fail.

A future version of the JBoss EAP Developer Guide will provide more details.
1021607 - RBAC: Explain the two kinds of non-addressability that we have

Some resources are non-addressable to server-group and host scoped roles in order to provide a simplified view of the management model to improve usability. This is distinct from resources that are non-addressable to protect sensitive data.

For server-group scoped roles this means that resources in the `profile`, `socket binding group`, `deployment`, `deployment override`, `server group`, `server config` and `server` portions of the management model will not be visible if they are not related to the server-groups specified for the role.

For host-scoped roles this means that resources in the `/host=*` portion of the management model will not be visible if they are not related to the server groups specified for the role.

However in some cases this simplified view can hide information that while it is outside the scope of what the user is managing, it can provide guidance to the user as to a course of action. An example of this is http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1015524.

In a future release, some of these non-addressable resources might be changed to be addressable but non-readable. This will not affect the security of the server because they were not non-addressable for security reasons. Red Hat recommends that you do not rely on the non-addressability of resources to hide information unless the non-addressability is defined in a sensitivity constraint.

Domain Management

1015524 - RBAC: unable to deploy the same deployment which was already deployed by user from different server-group scope

When role-based access controls are enabled, management users with server-group scoped roles might have new deployments fail with the following message:
"JBAS014807: Management resource '[(\"deployment\" => \"example.war\")]' not found"

This occurs because a deployment with the same name already exists in the domain. This is correct behaviour. However because the management user is scoped to a server group, they will be unable to see if such a deployment already exists in another server group. This makes it difficult to avoid this confusing error.

To workaround this limitation, Red Hat recommends that either non-scoped roles are assigned to the users responsible for adding deployments to a domain, or that a list of deployment names is maintained so that management users are aware of them.
1034700 - whoami operation doesn't work with security manager enabled

The :whoami operation does not run correctly when JBoss EAP 6 is running with the Java Security Manager enabled. Attempting to run this operation in this situation results in an exception being thrown of type IllegalArgumentException.
1035231 - RBAC: access control doesn't work with security manager

When JBoss EAP 6 is run with the Java Security Manager enabled, the Role-Based Access-Control system is effectively disabled because in this situation all authenticated users are treated as SuperUsers. The only way to use Role-Based Access-Control currently is without the Java Security Manager enabled.
1035232 - EAP Domain mode is not working properly with Security manager

Servers in a managed domain will not launch successfully if they are configured to use a Java Security Manager without specifying the classname of the Security Manager. This is commonly done when using the default Security Manager by specifying -Djava.security.manager in either domain.conf or as a command line parameter.

In this situation servers will fail to launch with the following message:
                    Error occurred during initialization of VM java.lang.InternalError: Could not create SecurityManager: true

This occurs because a system property without a value is passed by Host Controllers to their managed servers with the value of true. This means that the servers will attempt to use a Java Security Manager with the classname of true. To avoid this, explicitly define the classname of the default Security Manager in the configuration as follows:
1021607 - RBAC: Explain the two kinds of non-addressability that we have

Some resources are non-addressable to server-group and host scoped roles in order to provide a simplified view of the management model to improve usability. This is distinct from resources that are non-addressable to protect sensitive data.

For server-group scoped roles this means that resources in the profile, socket binding group, deployment, deployment override, server group, server config and server portions of the management model will not be visible if they are not related to the server-groups specified for the role.

For host-scoped roles this means that resources in the /host=* portion of the management model will not be visible if they are not related to the server groups specified for the role.

However in some cases this simplified view can hide information that while it is outside the scope of what the user is managing, it can provide guidance to the user as to a course of action. An example of this is 1015524.

In a future release, some of these non-addressable resources might be changed to be addressable but non-readable. This will not affect the security of the server because they were not non-addressable for security reasons. Red Hat recommends that you do not rely on the non-addressability of resources to hide information unless the non-addressability is defined in a sensitivity constraint.
1024109 - NPE in DelegatingServerInventory

Management requests sent to a Host Controller immediately after the Host Controller launches may fail with an exception of type NullPointerException. This is because there is a period of time between when the Host Controller becomes able to receive requests and when the server management system is fully started. This period of time is usually less than one second, but any requests received in that time will fail.

This should only occur in automated environments, such as a script that starts the Host Controller and then immediately attempts to invoke a management operation on one of its servers.

Currently, Red Hat recommends the following workaround for scripts or any other automation that attempts to perform management operations immediately after launching a Host Controller:
  1. Include a slight delay (one or two seconds) to allow enough time for all of a Host Controller's systems to start.
  2. Include error handling logic.
  3. Use polling logic to account for changing request results as a server launches.

This will be fixed in a future release.


1019372 - Cluster node selection process do not respect whether the nodes are able to handle the EJB request

When a cluster did not have the same EJBs deployed on each node, client EJB invocations were sometimes routed to cluster nodes that did not have the EJBs deployed. This occurred because ejb-client did not confirm that a destination node was able to handle the invocation before sending the request. ejb-client now performs this confirmation and invocations are routed to the correct nodes as expected.
1017673 - ConcurrentModificationException in TimerService.getTimers()

If a bean attempts to create a new timer at the same time as another thread is calling the getTimers() method, an exception of ConcurrentModificationException is thrown. This occurs because the getTimers() method does not call synchronized() on the timers. This will be fixed in the next release.


900321 - HHH-7287 Problem in caching proper natural-id-values when obtaining result by naturalIdQuery using NaturalIdLoadAccess

The Hibernate interface NaturalIdLoadAccess behaves inconsistently when trying to load entities from the Level Two (L2) Cache following an update of their natural-id values from a non-transactional scenario.

Hibernate currently does not support proper L2 caching of entities with natural identifiers in scenarios where there is a mix of transactional and non-transactional access to the database.


1032892 - Unable to use tab filling for path starting with a drive letter on windows.

In the console installer of JBoss EAP 6 on Microsoft Windows Server, tab completion for directory paths which start with a drive letter is not working.

When entering a path which starts with a drive letter, for example C:\, and pressing the Tab key, nothing is shown. In this situation, it is expected that it will show the contents of that directory.

This issue will be fixed in a future release.
977805 - Starting JBoss Administration Console from start menu is not working on Solaris

The start menu shortcuts for the Administration Console on Solaris do not work for a JBoss EAP 6 instance that has been installed using the installer.

Instead of opening the Administration Console in a web browser, the following error message is displayed:
Error showing url: HTTP Error: Method Not Allowed

This issue is caused by the xdg-open command not functioning as expected on Solaris.

As a workaround to using the start menu shortcuts, the Administration Console can be accessed directly in a web browser. If configured with the default ports, the URLs for the Administration Console are below: For standalone mode: http://localhost:8080/console For domain mode: http://localhost:9990/console


1033008 - Generic JMS RA is not consistent with the EE spec - it does *not* ignore the parameters when session is created in the transaction context

When a session is created in a transaction’s context and parameters are passed to the generic JMS resource adapter, a Null Pointer Exception (NPE) occurs. The issue occurs because the processing of parameters is atempted, when the Java EE specification states that they are not to be processed. The root cause of the issue is under investigation, but until then a workaround is to set the session to be transacted, as per the following example. With this workaround, the NPE will not occur.
connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
1023193 - JMS generic RA shows 'lock owned during cleanup' warning during periodic crash recovery

A minor issue with periodic recovery has been identified, where warning messages beginning with the following text are logged.
WARN  [org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.JmsManagedConnection] (Periodic Recovery) Lock owned during cleanup: java.lang.Throwable: Lock owned during cleanup

The underlying cause of the issue is that the generic JMS adapter mishandles the second periodic recovery call. In accordance with the Object Transaction Service specification, when the transaction manager is set to be run on the Java Transaction Service (JTS) the periodic recovery calls rollback for the same XID twice. The issue is that the generic JMS adapter incorrectly handles the second call of the rollback for the same XID and the above warnings are logged. Note that despite the warning messages, recovery occurs correctly.
991389 - Connection factory isn't activated in generic-jms-ra.rar resource adapter after server reload with jts transactions mode set.

When a JBoss EAP server is configured with a resource adapter deployed using generic-jms-ra.rar, the connection factory is deregistered when the server is reloaded. The cause of the issue is that the generic resource adapter does not correctly handle the reload if the transaction subsystem is configured to run on the JBoss Transactions System (JTS). The root cause of this issue is being investigated.

A workaround is to add a JCA descriptor XML file to the RAR archive with the connection properties specified.


1029387 - WFLY-2493 EL cannot access public methods/fields of non-public classes

When trying to access the public method or field of a non-public class via EL the following error message results:
"java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class javax.el.BeanELResolver can not access a member of class X with modifiers "private"

To workaround this issue, set SetAccessible(true) on the method before invoking it, which suppresses Java access checking.
1017242 - FacesMessages doesn't work properly in root context application

There is a known issue with the JSF component shipped in JBoss EAP 6.2. It has been reported that FacesMessages are not being reliably redirected when running an application in root context. This issue will be addressed in a future release of the product.


901231 - Usage of finalize() needs extra guards on IBM JDK

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 can experience intermittent failures when running on the IBM JDK 6 and 7. This is because the IBM garbage collector is much more aggressive than that of other JVMs. This can sometimes result in memory being reclaimed in situations that were unanticipated and did not manifest when testing on other JVMs.

Until this issue is resolved Red Hat recommends using the OpenJDK or Oracle JDK to run JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Scripts and Commands

956281 - Starting EAP 6.1 on windows with 32bit jvm can result in failure to start JVM

On Windows 8 32-bit JVMs, the default max perm gen space setting causes the JVM to not be created, which then prevents the server from starting. To work around this issue, remove the -XX:MaxPermSize=256m parameter from the startup parameters of the JVM. This will allow the JVM to be created and the server to start.


979369 - Different behaviours of HttpSession creation with programmatic login()

It has been discovered that the behavior of HttpSession creation differs when used together with a programmatic login:
  • without SSO: Session is not created while calling login() method - i.e. subsequent requests are unauthenticated;
  • with non-clustered SSO: Session IS created while calling login() method, but the first call doesn’t set the authentication status there - i.e. subsequent requests are unauthenticated; the user is authenticated after the second call of login() method, because the session is already present;
  • with clustered SSO: Session is created while calling login() method and subsequent requests are authenticated.

The cause of the difference in behavior is being investigated. No known workaround is available.


1036872 - Cannot configure a security policy file setting that disables policy files specifies in JRE's java.security file

An issue has been identified in using the special prefix of = to disable the default policy files. The underlying cause is that when the Host Controller started a server, it provided null as the value of the java.security.policy setting, leading to the use of the policy files specified in the java.security file and possibly permission failures preventing server booting.

Several workarounds are available:

1) Edit the JVM’s java.security file (typically at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/java.security) and comment out any "policy.url" settings. For example

#policy.url.1=file:${java.home}/lib/security/java.policy #policy.url.2=file:${user.home}/.java.policy

Note that this will disable use of these policy files by any users of the JVM installation. If this is a concern, it is best to set up a separate JVM installation for EAP use and alter its configuration.

2) Remove the leading "=" from java.security.policy value; e.g.


With these steps taken, only the settings in the specified policy file will be used.

Transaction Manager

1027126 - Server failed to start with standalone-xts.xml and jdbc object store running on mysql 5.5

When the transaction manager is configured to run XTS transactions, use a JDBC object store hosted on MySQL 5.5, and the driver has been put in the deployments directory, the server fails to start. The resulting error includes the text New missing/unsatisfied dependencies. This error does not occur when other database platforms are used. This issue is under investigation and is expected to be resolved in a future release.
1017816 - Not possible to change UID generation from uuid to socket in EAP config

When the process ID generation method is changed to process-id-socket-binding instead of process-id-uuid, an error message starting with the following text results:
                        ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 44) JBAS014613: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([("subsystem" => "transactions")]) - failure description: "JBAS014746: process-id-uuid may not be null"

The cause of this issue is that the handling of the configuration parameter is incorrect. This will be resolved in a future release. No workaround is possible, so the default method of process ID generation must be used.
1009981 - Periodic recovery on committed transactions

When the server is under an excessive load, the server’s log may contain messages like those below, indicating that a transaction rollback had occurred.
WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016027: Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery got XA exception XAException.XAER_NOTA: javax.transaction.xa.XAException
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ClientSessionImpl.rollback(ClientSessionImpl.java:1699) [hornetq-core-client-2.3.12.Final-redhat-1.jar:2.3.12.Final-redhat-1]   
at org.hornetq.core.client.impl.DelegatingSession.rollback(DelegatingSession.java:494) [hornetq-core-client-2.3.12.Final-redhat-1.jar:2.3.12.Final-redhat-1]
at org.hornetq.jms.server.recovery.HornetQXAResourceWrapper.rollback(HornetQXAResourceWrapper.java:126) [hornetq-jms-server-2.3.12.Final-redhat-1.jar:2.3.12.Final-redhat-1]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule.handleOrphan(XARecoveryModule.java:755) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule.xaRecoverySecondPass(XARecoveryModule.java:661) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule.bottomUpRecovery(XARecoveryModule.java:431) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule.periodicWorkSecondPass(XARecoveryModule.java:212) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery.doWorkInternal(PeriodicRecovery.java:789) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]
at com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery.run(PeriodicRecovery.java:371) [jbossjts-jacorb-4.17.15.Final-redhat-4.jar:4.17.15.Final-redhat-4]

Under heavy load, the processing time taken by a transaction can overlap with the timing of the periodic recovery process’s activity. The periodic recovery process detects the transaction still in progress and attempts to initiate a rollback but in fact the transaction continues to completion. At the time the periodic recovery attempts but fails the rollback, it records the rollback failure in the server log. The underlying cause of this issue will be addressed in a future release, but in the meantime a workaround is available.

Increase the interval between the two phases of the recovery process by setting the property com.arjuna.ats.jta.orphanSafetyInterval to higher than the default of 10000 milliseconds. A value of 40000 milliseconds is recommended. Please note that this does not solve the issue, instead it decreases the probability that it will occur and that the warning message will be shown in the log.


918130 - JBossWeb connectors start before application deployments are completed in EAP 6

A timing issue with JBossWeb connectors on startup has been discovered, in which the connectors start and accept requests before applications are fully deployed. In these circumstances, client connections via either a load balancer or direct to JBoss EAP are returned a 404 message. This issue affects JBoss EAP versions 6.0.1 and greater. No workaround is available but the issue is under investigation.

Web Console

995439 - JTS transactions are not correctly enabled

When JTS is enabled in the Transactions section of the web management console ("Profile → Container → Transactions"), it it is necessary to also set the attribute transactions to the value on in the JacORB subystem. The intended behaviour is that transactions are enabled when JTS is enabled. The cause of this issue is under investigation. Until it is resolved, the workaround is to ensure that the transactions attribute is also set to on. Note that the transactions subsystem is available only in the full and full-ha profiles.
1014048 - RBAC: Log in right after log out wont clear UI properly in domain mode

In some cases, when logging out of the Web Console, the console is partially rendered before logging in as another user. This leads to "mixed" content where parts of the screen are rendered as if the old user was logged in and parts of the screen as the new user was logged in. As a workaround, close the browser window (not just the active tab) and log in as the new user.
1014219 - RBAC: Control element visibility for users with multiple scoped roles

It has been reported that in this release of JBoss EAP 6 some users assigned to multiple roles will see operations in the console that they do not have access to perform. For exaple; a user with roles host-master-administrator and host-slave-monitor should be only able to see control elements (such as the Add button on the server configurations page) in context of host slave. This button should not be visible when operating in context of host master (however it is).

Operations that are incorrectly visible will fail if attemted as the correct access control is enforced in the execution of the operation. There is no security violation.

No workaround available for this issue at the moment however it will be resolved in a future release of the product.
1026823 - Provide a reliable way to clear "ROLE" headers set by "Run as" dialog

In this release of JBoss EAP 6, it has been reported that when a SuperUser acts of behalf of another user (with the Run As… link), their role is not reset after the action is taken.

The workaround for this issue is to close the browser window (not just the active tab) and re-access the Web Console. This issue will be addressed in a future release of the product.
1017655 - Web services configuration validation errors

In this release of JBoss EAP 6, invalid values for WSDL Host, WSDL Port and WSDL Secure Port under Profiles > Web > Web Services are not rejected by the web console.

Some invalid values cause an error message, while others are ignored without showing an error message. None of the invalid values are stored in the configuration.

This issue will be resolved in a future release of the product.
1016546 - RBAC: [Usability] Unclear error message when trying to configure Auditor role as Administrator

When the user doesn’t have the permission to execute an operation, the general purpose error message is shown: "". This error message is somewhat confusing, because the user tries to execute an operation instead of accessing a resource.

In this release of JBoss EAP 6, if a user attempts to perform an operation which they do not have permission to execute, they will receive the error following error message:
You don’t have the permissions to access this resource!

This can be confusing to users as they are attempting to perform an operation, not attempting to access a resource. This error text will be clarified in a future release of the product.
1029851 - management console - even after cancel the process to upload a deployment file, the content is added to data directory

A Known Issue exists in this release of JBoss EAP 6 that causes the upload of files through the Manage Deployments screen to complete, even if the upload is cancelled by the user.

Cancelling the operation results in the uploaded file being added to the data directory, but prevents it being added as a deployment to the domain.xml file. This means that the file cannot be removed through either the CLI or Web management interfaces.

This issue will be addressed in a future release of the product.
1027586 - RBAC: Web console is too coarse-grained with application resources

In this release of JBoss EAP 6, when a resource is defined as an application resource, the console may not reflect that definition. This is because the console often groups several resources under one view. The controls in the views are available if all related resources are writable. If any of these resources is configured as an application resource, however, the related controls will still be disabled.

The current workaround is to, if possible, configure all resource types associated with a subsystem as application resources.

Web Services

900032 - JBossWS IPv6 issues


980246 - mod_cluster-manager may break up aliases from a single VirtualHost, causing a messy page

In this release of JBoss EAP, it has been reported that deploying multiple applications, each with a unique virtual-server and each virtual-server with multiple aliases, the mod_cluster_manager may incorrectly display the same Virtual Host multiple time (once for each alias).

This is not the expected behavior, which would be to have all Virtual Hosts displayed only once on the manager page together with all aliases. This issue is under investigation and will be resolved in a later version of JBoss EAP.
901227 - node-timeout, worker-timeout, flush-wait and ttl mod_cluster attributes in web console

There is a known issue in the JBoss EAP 6 web-based Management Console that prevents users from viewing or setting a -1 value for the following mod_cluster attributes:
  • node-timeout
  • worker-timeout
  • flush-wait
  • ttl

If a -1 value is already set, the Management Console incorrectly displays the attribute’s value as 0. When attempting to use the Management Console to set the attribute’s value to -1, the Management Console warns Invalid numeric value.

As a workaround, users are still able to set the affected attributes to a -1 value by using the Management CLI.

The cause of this issue is currently under investigation.
1030965 - Number of registered contexts negatively affects mod_cluster performance

A performance issue has been identified on the Apache HTTP Server with mod_cluster configured as a load balancer. httpd shared memory operations on the workers->nodes table negatively affects the performance of the load balancer. As a result, performance of the httpd load balancer decreases as the number of registered contexts increases.

To workaround this issue, attempt to lower the number of registered contexts.

A solution is being engineered that modifies the httpd to utilize local memory rather than shared memory. A fix is expected in a future release.
900047 - SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric is not correct on Linux/Unix

The SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric does not show useful information on Linux or UNIX operating systems. For these systems, HeapMemoryUsageLoadMetric provides more useful information. The solution to this problem will be to change the algorithm of SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric to subtract the buffers/cache value from the used number. The best method for doing this is under investigation.

Apache Server (httpd) and Connectors

900620 - APR natives are not being loaded if UAC is in place (Windows Server 2008 R2)

On Microsoft Windows servers, Apache portable runtime (APR) libraries will fail to load with User Account Control (UAC) enabled. After installing the libraries, an administrator user will need to right-click the JBoss directory and set "Full control" to "Allow" for the desired user in the Properties → Security tab. This will correct the access rights for UAC.

Domain Management,Web Services

987898 - Write to wsdl-url attribute for WS endpoint ends with 'Unknown attribute wsdl-url' instead of 'Attribute wsdl-url is not writable'

Five attributes of deployed SOAP Web Services endpoints (name, context, class, type, and wsdl-url) are not accessible in the management tools. This was because they are not exposed to the management model by the Web Services subsystem. This will be fixed in a future release.


923836 - remote:// protocol does not work over SSL with IBM JDK

There is a Known Issue in this release of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 wherein the remote naming lookup fails intermittently on an IBM JDK with the following exception:
org.jboss.remoting3.NotOpenException: Endpoint is not open.

This issue appears to present when the client uses the IBM JDK. In instances where the server is on the IBM JDK and the and the client uses another JDK, the issue does not present.

The issue is being investigated for a resolution.

IPv6 support

900609 - Opened IPv4 sockets on Windows when server is bound to IPv6

If JBoss EAP 6 is started in Microsoft Windows Server with the IPv4 stack disabled and the IPv6 stack enabled, IPv4 sockets are still opened. This issue is still under investigation.
900564 - Wrong format of IPv6 addresses in log entries

IPv6 addresses should be formatted with square brackets ([ and ]) around them, such as in http://[2620:52:0:105f::ffff:2]:9990. The brackets are missing in the log files for JBoss EAP 6. This issue is expected to be fixed in a future release.


917683 - JDR utility generates wrong archive entry name running on Windows

A bug has been found in the JDR utility when used in Microsoft Windows Server environments. It has been reported that the utility will append the last character of the originating $JBOSS_HOME directory to the JBOSS_HOME directory created inside the archive.

For example, for an originating JBOSS_HOME directory named jboss-eap-6.2 the JDR utility would produce an archive directory called JBOSS_HOME2.

The cause of this bug is still being investigated and no workaround to prevent it exists.


958896 - RESTEasy: Invalid Content-Type in response - Bad behavior when invalid accept header is specified in request header

An issue has been discovered in the RESTEasy subsystem where an incorrect HTTP 200 response is sent when there is an invalid accept header in a received HTTP request.

When an invalid accept header is provided, the correct response should be HTTP 500. This issue is currently under investigation.