Managing Core Dumps (user space)

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We have a development environment that utilizes a standard of having multiple service accounts run several instances of the code...

Which we then set kernel params to dump the cores in a common location
kernel.core_pattern = /u01/core/core.%e.%p.%t
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1

Now - the issue I am facing.. the cores are written as 0600 and owned by the original process owner (which makes sense due to the sensitive nature of the dump data), however - the folks doing the analysis log in to the hosts as their own users and will have no permissions to manage the files.

I found the code (system call) which ignores any FACL applied to that directory as well.

  • from do_coredump
         file = filp_open(corename, O_CREAT | 2 | O_TRUNC | O_NOFOLLOW, 0600);

Has anyone else ran in to this issue and "dealt with it"? If so, how? ;-)
