%post configuration in Kickstart of network isnt being retained

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I am using a kickstart that assigns dhcp to the network (network --bootproto=dhcp --device=ens192 --noipv6)but in the %post portion of my kickstart I am running a script to set a static IP address. After rebooting the server to complete installation the NetworkManager is defaulting back to DHCP instead of the static information i had set previously. Is there something I am missing in the %post or is there something else I should be doing to get the static ip information to remain in networkmanager? Below is my post section and I changed the IPs. If i throw everything in %post into a .sh file it runs flawlessly in my live environment.


Get the current IP address of ens192 assigned by DHCP

IP_ADDR=$(ip addr show dev ens192 | grep "inet " | grep -v "inet6"| awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)

Extract the first three octets to detect the subnet (e.g., 192.168.1, 10.0.0)

SUBNET=$(echo $IP_ADDR | cut -d. -f1,2,3)

Define static IP, gateway, and DNS settings based on subnet detection

case $SUBNET in
# Default IP settings if the subnet doesn't match any predefined options

Configure the static IP settings using nmcli (NetworkManager CLI)

nmcli con mod ens192 ipv4.addresses $STATIC_IP/24
nmcli con mod ens192 ipv4.gateway $GATEWAY
nmcli con mod ens192 ipv4.dns "$DNS"
nmcli con mod ens192 ipv4.method manual

Bring the network connection up to apply changes

nmcli device reapply ens192
nmcli con down ens192
nmcli con up ens192
