dual boot ubuntu 23.04 and redhat 9.2

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First I am new to linux system only work with windows
now i try to use Linux OS.
Firstly, I can dual boot windows and ubuntu without any problem.
But when I try ubuntu and redhat there are a lot of problem with the bootloader.
I have 2 hard drives, first one installed ubuntu 23.04. the second one installed redhat 9.2. I don't want to mess up that why I use 2 different hard drives.

the problem are:
- select to boot from hard drive 1, I can only access ubuntu boot menu.
-select to boot from hard drive 2, I can only access redhat boot menu.

I try to search around, but seem to be difficult to find the "how to edit bootloader menu (how to edit the grub boot menu)"

any suggestions? which OS should be installed first?
NOTE: I am very new to Linux environment.
