Unable to use repos created by reposync on RHEL 9.1

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After syncing the BaseOS and AppStream repositories for use on an off network system, I'm unable to use the repositories due to several issues.

reposync -a x86_64 --download-metadata --download-path=/mnt/data/r9repos --remote-time --repoid=rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms

The docs on reposync say the repositories should be usable without running createrepo, due to downloading the metadata. However, on my off network system I receive the following when attempting to perform an update:

Downloading Packages:
Error opening /mnt/data/r9repos/rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms/Packages/t/tzdata-2022g-1.el9_1.noarch.rpm: No such file or directory
Package "tzdata-2022g-1.el9_1.noarch" from local repository "RHEL9-Base-Updates" has incorrect checksum
Error opening /mnt/data/r9repos/rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms/Packages/i/insights-client-3.1.7-10.el9_1.noarch.rpm: No such file or directory
Package "insights-client-3.1.7-10.el9_1.noarch" from local repository "RHEL9-AppStream-Updates" has incorrect checksum

And this occurs for multiple packages.

I have rerun the reposync commands, which indicate all the files have been downloaded.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you for any info or suggestions.

