Subscription mess with Tower and Satellite
I'm having a hard time with Tower (3.8) and Satellite (6.11) and the subscriptions needed for obtaining content to upgrade to aap 2.3. I've started going around and around with RH support on this but I'm not sure they understand what I'm on about.
My org has subscriptions for the following products:
RH Ansible Automation Platform Infrastructure Subscription (qty 10)
RH Ansible Automation Platform, Premium (100 Managed Nodes) (qty 2)
I have loaded both of the 'AAP 100 managed nodes' subscriptions into Tower via manifest file, with all the entitlements allocated (so I can manage 200 'devices' in total from Tower). No problem.
I have allocated all the 'AAP Infrastructure' entitlements into Satellite and have added entitlement to each content host of my Tower's instance group (3). Again, no problem.
Now, I'd like to upgrade from Tower 3.8 to AAP 2.3, but I'm finding that the software repo for AAP 2.3 isn't available in Satellite. After some browsing I see that the subscription for AAP Infrastructure does not provide that content (what's it for then?). Instead, the content is provided with an 'AAP 100 managed nodes' subscription. BUT: Those entitlements are loaded into Tower.
I can adjust the allocation to supply 1 or more of the 'AAP 100 managed nodes' in order to get them into Satellite (and thus make the software available), but this reduces the capacity of my Tower system by that many.
In other words, I can either load the entitlements into Tower (which lets me use the system to capacity but doesn't let me obtain the software to upgrade) -OR- I can load the entitlements into Satellite (which reduces Tower's capacity BUT lets me obtain the software).
I see that there's a way to have Tower's license tool obtain the subscriptions from Satellite, but after allocating the 'AAP 100 managed nodes' subscription to Satellite the License tool doesn't show any subscriptions to select.
So, I'm confused about how to be able to obtain the content WITHOUT having to reduce the capacity of my existing Tower. Why wouldn't the subscription for AAP Infrastructure provide this content? What is the subscription for, if not for that? If it provided the content, it would solve my problem. Alternatively, why aren't the subscriptions for the 'AAP 100 managed nodes' available with Tower's licensing tool if I allocate them to Satellite? If they were, it would also solve my problem.