Migrate the disconnected satellite to the other organization

Latest response

Connected Satellite shows it's host name under the Content Host page.

Disconnected doesn't.
- Created Activation Key
- Content Host > Register Host
- Created curl

Running the curl and at the end it says:
HTTP error (422 - Unknown): Host with name Satellite-Server.xxx is currently registered to a different org, please migrate host to xxxx.
This system is not yet registered. Try 'subscribtion-mananger register --help' for more information.
Error: not_found
Host was not found by the subscription UUID: '',this can happen if the host is registered already, but not to this instance.

I run subscribtion-mananger register --force
- Set Organization: xxx
- Set Environment: Library

HTTP error (422 - Unknown): Host with name Satellite-Server.xxx is currently registered to a different org, please migrate host to xxxx.

How do I migrate the satellite to the other organization?

Not sure if that matters but connected and disconnected have to different manifests, but only difference is the number count)
