Pull secret is not working

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I was just trying to set up open shift on my local OC cluster and take it for s apin.

I am getting this error when I copy the contents of pull secret and and paste the content when asked for pull secret

NFO Checking if systemd-networkd is running
INFO Checking if NetworkManager is installed
INFO Checking if NetworkManager service is running
INFO Checking if /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/crc-nm-dnsmasq.conf exists
INFO Checking if /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/crc.conf exists
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is available
INFO Checking if libvirt 'crc' network is active
INFO Loading bundle: crc_libvirt_4.10.9_amd64...
CRC requires a pull secret to download content from Red Hat.
You can copy it from the Pull Secret section of https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/create/local.
? Please enter the pull secret ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
INFO Creating CRC VM for OpenShift 4.10.9...
Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: virError(Code=1, Domain=10, Message='internal error: unknown feature amd-sev-es')

Can any one please help
