Patch management solutions using Satellite
Hello All,
I was hoping I could get some insight as to how you guys use the API (or GUI) to handle patch management. I see there are a lot of options but none of them seem to be THE way to go. I used to use the scheduleScriptRun method in Satellite to remotely run a "yum -update -y" but this caused issues. When the command times out it completely screws the server due to the yum update failing in the middle of removing/updating packages. Now, I use some logic to get relevant errata for servers indicated in the arguments. Then, apply each errata one at a time per server. I then check the scheduled actions queue to see if any of the jobs contain the phrase "Errata Update". If present, the script waits. If not, then the script reboots the servers one at a time. Is there a better way to do this? The issue I keep running in to is finding an accurate and reliable way to determine when the servers have finished patching using Satellite.