RH Satellite: Upgrade from to 6.8.1 did not go smootly

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Hi all,

Here my experience upgrading from to 6.8.1.

At first attempt it crashed with a lot of messages.

[ERROR 2020-11-25T09:41:16 verbose] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[satellite.sat.kootstra.co.uk]: Could not evaluate: Proxy satellite.sat.kootstra.co.uk cannot be retrieved: unknown error (response 500)

This message was the one that sent me to the solution.

Troubleshooting "Could not evaluate: Proxy satellite.example.com cannot be retrieved: unknown error (response 500)" error observed when upgrading/installing Red Hat Satellite 6.

To resolve this, edit the /etc/foreman-installer/custom-hiera.yaml file and add the following entry and then rerun the installer.

foreman::passenger_start_timeout: 360

Success upgrading,

Jan Gerrit Kootstra
