Resolved Error "Disk provisionedSize required for add" after upgrade Ansible 2.7 to 2.9

Latest response

Hello Community,

following play that work fine with Ansible 2.7
- name: Create new disk
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
name: "{{ dbname }}-{{ disk_id|int + 1 }}"
size: "{{ disksizeGB }}GiB"
description: "/{{ dbname }}"
format: raw
interface: virtio_scsi
storage_domain: "{{ storage_domain }}"
shareable: true
register: result
loop: "{{ vmlist }}

    - name: Attach disk to VM
        auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
        id: "{{ }}"
        vm_name: "{{ item }}"
        state: attache
        interface: virtio_scsi
      loop: "{{ vmlist }}"

Failed with error "Disk provisioned Size required for add" if ran with Ansible 2.9
My collegue resolved error with following play
- name: Create new disk and Attach disk to VM

        auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
        name: "{{ dbname }}-{{ disk_id|int + 1 }}"
        vm_name: "{{ item }}"
        size: "{{ disksizeGB }}GiB"
        description: "/{{ dbname }}"
        format: raw
        interface: virtio_scsi
        storage_domain: "{{ storage_domain }}"
        shareable: true
      register: result
      loop: "{{ vmlist }}"

