Enabling user and group management for Keycloak

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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to integrate JBPM with keycloak for authentication and authorization. I have successfully authenticated Business Central and Process Server with Keycloak. However, when I navigate to the Admin -->Groups/Users, I am getting the following error message :

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException:Unrecognized field "access_token"
(class org.uberfire.ext.security.management.keycloak.client.auth.credentials.AccessTokenResponse),
not marked as ignorable (9 known properties:
"tokenType", "notBeforePolicy", "otherClaims", "token", "sessionState", "refreshExpiresIn", "expiresIn", "refreshToken", "idToken"])
at [Source: (org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.BaseClientResponse$InputStreamWrapper); line: 1, column: 18]
(through reference chain: org.uberfire.ext.security.management.keycloak.client.auth.credentials.AccessTokenResponse["access_token"])

Please let me know how can I fetch the groups/users in business central which are created in keycloak.

Thanks in advance :-)
