Can you run a program without displaying X display over remote connection?

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Basically, trying to remote login to a server and run a labview program that uses an X display. The problem I am having is If I run the program when logged in remotely, It only runs as long as the remote shell stays open. Once that shell is closed, the program ends as well ( I need it to stay open and continue to run). I think the problem being here there is not a way over remote to get it to run without popping up the display. The only way I have been able to get it to run without an X display is if I add it to the .bash_profile of a user and then configure that user to auto-login at boot. Then the program will start at boot, however I cannot view that already-running X display, and instead have to kill the program and start a new instance. Which would not be a problem if it was not for the issue I already mentioned. Tmux, nohup, bg have all not been helpful, I'm wondering if anyone has any way to do this or if it is simply not possible. Thanks!

Edit- I do not want to totally disable X11 forwarding.
