RHEL host running docker, within Docker another RHEL. Subscription Manager Issue

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Dear All,

I am fairly new to docker and I hit by the following error. It seems like the instance I am running as a docker instance also need to be subscribed. Is that what it is supposed to be?

if yes then how can I resolve this ? I dont need exact solution but some pointers will help.

Here is the error:
[root@localhost EntDev]# ./bld.sh IacceptEULA
./bld.sh: WARNING: root already exist in container
./bld.sh: WARNING: login user name changed to root_docker

Build the Enterprise Developer Unix Components Hub image

Building image : microfocus/entdevhub:rhel7_4.0_x64
Java included in image via server-jre-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz file
Sending build context to Docker daemon 454.2MB
Step 1/25 : FROM rhel7/rhel:latest
---> 5044f6040ea5
Step 2/25 : ARG PRODUCT_VERSION=4.0.00
---> Using cache
---> 023ea64f8c0d
---> Using cache
---> 99a911597970
Step 4/25 : ARG SETUP_EXE=setup_entdev_for_docker_4.0_redhat_x64
---> Using cache
---> 36649b35131b
Step 5/25 : ARG LOGFILE=EnterpriseDeveloper4.0.log
---> Using cache
---> b9e294f065f8
---> Using cache
---> a46995a1654a
Step 7/25 : ARG ESADM_UID=500
---> Using cache
---> d0afd7f9d387
Step 8/25 : ARG ESADM_GID=500
---> Using cache
---> bf2a0b376197
Step 9/25 : ARG ESADM_USER=edadm
---> Using cache
---> 5113d26ef881
Step 10/25 : ARG ESADM_SHELL=/bin/bash
---> Using cache
---> 85be83533141
Step 11/25 : LABEL vendor="Micro Focus" com.microfocus.name="Enterprise Developer" com.microfocus.version="$PRODUCT_VERSION" com.microfocus.eula.url="https://supportline.microfocus.com/licensing/agreements.aspx" com.microfocus.is-base-image="true"
---> Using cache
---> 9facded50561
Step 12/25 : ENV MFPRODBASE=/opt/microfocus/EnterpriseDeveloper
---> Using cache
---> 4fd67b67f36f
Step 13/25 : ENV MFLICBASE=/var/microfocuslicensing
---> Using cache
---> eb17b29104d1
Step 14/25 : RUN yum -y install ed pax gcc gcc-c++.x86_64 gdb glibc-devel.x86_64 make file
---> Running in 9791d9a6fc6a
Loaded plugins: ovl, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.
There are no enabled repos.
Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have.
To enable Red Hat Subscription Management repositories:
subscription-manager repos --enable
To enable custom repositories:
yum-config-manager --enable
Removing intermediate container 9791d9a6fc6a
The command '/bin/sh -c yum -y install ed pax gcc gcc-c++.x86_64 gdb glibc-devel.x86_64 make file' returned a non-zero code: 1
./bld.sh: Failed, aborting.
[root@localhost EntDev]#

The docker file is attached:
