Domain now required in Host Group in order to register via bootstrap?

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Last week I rebuilt my test sat 6 server. It is now v 6.2.2, prior to that it was 6.2.1 and the bootstrap worked fine to register systems, minus it installing puppet agent even with the arg not to; I did not have a Domain listed in the Host Group because I feel it is not a necessity and the bootstrap did not complain.

Today I use the with the same options as I have used prior:

./ -l admin -p password -s satserver.example -o 'Default' -L 'Default' -g Default -a 'Default' --skip-puppet

And now receive this error:

[RUNNING], [2016-09-19 15:23:11], [Calling Foreman API to create a host entry associated with the group, org & location]
Error: The following error occured while talking to the API:
url: https://satserver.example:443/api/v2/hosts/
code: 422
data: {
"host": {
"managed": "true",
"name": "testserver1",
"hostgroup_id": 1,
"organization_id": 1,
"mac": "xx",
"architecture_id": 1,
"location_id": 2
error: {
"error": {
"errors": {
"interfaces.domain": [
"can't be blank"
"interfaces.domain_id": [
"can't find domain with this id"
"id": null,
"full_messages": [
"Domain can't be blank",
"Interfaces.domain can't find domain with this id"
