Deployment to EAP using JON Bundle
I have an FSW 6.0 installation running on two servers, running in standalone mode, clustered using mod_cluster. We need to deploy 16 JAR's to both JBoss EAP servers and along with that, want to copy over some configuration files and configure some system-properties of the EAP. Using JON 3.3.0, I have some options:
1) Deploy using Resource-Level content updates
This is very easy to do, I can just go through the wizard for each JAR file, hot-deployment will take place and we have full control over the process. However, this would take us a while for updating each of the 16 JAR's twice (once for each server).
We also cannot incorporate system property updates or the installation of additional properties files.
2) Deploy using a JBoss ON Bundle
It is clear how to copy over additional properties files, so that is an advantage, however, it is not completely clear to me how to deploy the JAR's:
The option which should work, is just moving the jar's to the deployment folder, and enabling the deployment scanner. But we have little control over the process: Determining if the deployment was succesful is not that easy.
I also do not know if I can configure system properties
So what I would like to know is:
Is there an option to create a JBoss ON bundle which uses JBoss-cli to deploy the JAR's and configure the system-properties? Or do you see another method which is advisable?