Adding new host to satellite doesn't have any repos

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This is what we have done so far.

  • Uploaded the manifest to satellite to enable our subscription
  • Enabled and synd' "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server RPMs x86_64 7Server"
  • Enabled and synd' "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - RH Common RPMs x86_64 7Server"
  • Added and syncd a custom repository with our own custom RPMS
  • Defined a product for our own application and linked it to the custom repository
  • Defined a content view in the "Library" environment and added our repositories in the conent section. (We can see a lot of packages in the content column)
  • Defined a activation key linked to the Library environment
    Set with our Content View on the activation key
    Added the subscriptions to the activation key
    Added the products (custom + redhad) to the prodcut content of the activation key
    (had to set Overide to YES on the RH Common product. All others were YES by default)

Registering the system using the following command is successful:
subscription-manager register --auto-attach --org="Default_Organization" --activationkey="KeyForDevelopment" --baseurl https://satellite.localdomain/pulp/repos

Attaching the subscription is also successful:
subscription-manager attach --auto

However no repositories are available:
yum repolist -v
Not loading "rhnplugin" plugin, as it is disabled
Loading "product-id" plugin
Loading "subscription-manager" plugin
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Config time: 14.537
Yum version: 3.4.3
Setting up Package Sacks
repolist: 0

Under content view I see the publishing and promoting task has been running for several hours now and is about 80% complete.

Is the cause for us not seeing any repositories due to the publishing and promoting process still running ?

How can we have the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - RH Common RPMs x86_64 7Server" repository be enabled by default on the product section of the activation key ?
