Red Hat Customer Portal: What's New on September 25, 2012

Updated -

Recommendations Powered by Andreas (Beta)

We've rebuilt the Case Management application to incorporate recommendations provided by the Andreas diagnostics service. Customers will now see relevant solutions and recommendations while in the process of creating a case. Select a product and version and popular solutions for those products will be displayed. Add a case summary and description to see diagnostic results immediately tailored to the customer's problem. This is an exciting new feature we've been working on for months, and we hope to enable customers to solve more of their problems without having to submit a case.

Case Actions Menu

We've added a new menu to the top of the case screen to bring together all of the actions previously found scattered throughout the screen. From the Actions menu, you can close a case, edit the details of the case, and add email addresses to the notification list. All actions are performed immediately and don't require the page to be refreshed.

Case List Printing

We've improved the print stylesheet on the case list to enable improved printing.

Case Summary Field

We're now enabling customers to change the case summary while editing the case. Previously, this could only be done by Red Hat Support agents.

Case Group Improvements

When selecting a case group in the case list, the currently selected case group is now more clearly visible on the menu. In addition, when creating a new case from within a specific case group's case list, the currently selected case group is automatically set on the case.

Fixes for Product Documentation

  • Product document listing tables are now a consistent width.
  • /site/documentation/**/index.html addresses are now handled seamlessly.
  • The order in which the product documentation formats (pdf, html, etc.) are displayed is now consistent.
  • Non-existent doc index pages now properly generate a 404.

Miscellaneous User Experience Improvements

  • We have removed the advanced search and site map pages. Neither was used heavily, and we strive for simplicity and elegance in design.
  • The mega-menu layout is now more accurately set so as to avoid empty columns and other oddities.
  • No more erratic behavior on search results pages in Firefox!

API Release Notes

  • Client Features
    • Strata clients can now see whether a solution has a published revision.
    • Strata clients can now request diagnostic artifacts by product.
    • Strata clients can now get recommendations for a case with any fields.
    • Strata clients can now see whether an account is with a customer in a secure environment.
  • Developer Features
    • A URI was created as a support-need resource.
    • Work was continued on a caching solution for Strata.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a bug where clients received the wrong status code when getting problem symptoms.
    • Fixed a bug where clients received the wrong status code when updating a case with an invalid element.
  • Product
  • Red Hat Customer Portal