Red Hat Cloudforms 4.1 is now available

Updated -

Red Hat CloudForms 4.1 is now generally available, and provides the following key enhancements:

  • Ansible Tower as a configuration management provider.
  • Software-defined networking providers.
  • Google Compute Engine as a cloud provider, and as a distribution format for the CloudForms Management Engine Appliance.
  • Microsoft Azure as a distribution format for the CloudForms Management Engine Appliance.
  • Enhancements for providers, including Microsoft Azure and VMware vSphere.
  • Enhancements to the Self-Service user interface, including the addition of a shopping cart for ordering services.

For an overview of this release, see:
Release Notes

For installation instructions, see the documentation for the Red Hat CloudForms 4.1:
Product Documentation for Red Hat CloudForms

For migration and upgrade instructions, see:
Migrating and Updating Red Hat CloudForms/ Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine

For a list of supported features and providers, see:
Support Matrix

  • Product
  • Red Hat CloudForms